- selfheal
- ˈselfˈhi:l n бот. черноголовка обыкновенная selfheal бот. черноголовка обыкновенная
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
selfheal — [self′hēl΄] n. any of various plants supposed to have healing properties; esp., a common, Old World lawn and pasture weed (Prunella vulgaris) of the mint family … English World dictionary
selfheal — /self heel /, n. 1. a plant, Prunella vulgaris, of the mint family, having pinnate leaves and tubular violet blue flowers, formerly believed to have healing properties. 2. any of various other plants believed to have similar properties. [1350… … Useful english dictionary
selfheal — /self heel /, n. 1. a plant, Prunella vulgaris, of the mint family, having pinnate leaves and tubular violet blue flowers, formerly believed to have healing properties. 2. any of various other plants believed to have similar properties. [1350… … Universalium
selfheal — noun small, herbaceous European plant with blue violet flowers; Prunella vulgaris Syn: heal all … Wiktionary
selfheal — self•heal [[t]ˈsɛlfˌhil[/t]] n. pln a plant, Prunella vulgaris, having pinnate leaves and tubular violet blue flowers • Etymology: 1350–1400 … From formal English to slang
selfheal — /ˈsɛlfhil/ (say selfheel) noun 1. a small, perennial herb, Prunella vulgaris, once accredited with great remedial virtues. 2. any of various other plants similarly credited …
blue curls — noun any of several plants of the genus Trichostema having whorls of small blue flowers • Hypernyms: ↑subshrub, ↑suffrutex • Hyponyms: ↑black sage, ↑wooly blue curls, ↑California romero, ↑Trichostema lanatum, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
all|heal — «L HEEL», noun. 1. = valerian (the plant). (Cf. ↑valerian) 2. = selfheal. (Cf. ↑selfheal) … Useful english dictionary
Init — (short for initialization ) is the program on Unix and Unix like systems that all other processes. It runs as a daemon and typically has PID 1.The functionality diverged, in Unixes such as System III and System V, from the functionality provided… … Wikipedia
Service Management Facility — (SMF) is a feature of the Solaris operating system that creates a supported, unified model for services and service management on each Solaris system and replaces init.d scripts. SMF introduces:* Dependency order . Services sometimes depend on… … Wikipedia
List of plants in The English Physitian (1652 book) — Below is the list of plants, listed under the section Catalogue of the Herbs and Plants, in this Treatise, appropriated to their several PLANETS in the 1652 medical text The English Physitian: or an Astrologo physical Discourse of the Vulgar… … Wikipedia