- self-willed
- прил. своевольный, упрямый, своенравный Syn : wilful, obstinate упрямый, своевольный, своенравный - * child упрямый ребенок
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
self-willed — self willed; self willed·ly; self willed·ness; … English syllables
self-willed — adj very determined to do what you want, whatever other people think used to show disapproval ▪ a wild and self willed child >self will n [U] … Dictionary of contemporary English
self-willed — late 15c., from SELF (Cf. self) + willed (see WILL (Cf. will)) … Etymology dictionary
Self-willed — a. Governed by one s own will; not yielding to the wishes of others; obstinate. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
self-willed — [ ,self wıld ] adjective very determined to do what you want to do, even though other people argue with you … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
self-willed — index pertinacious, perverse, voluntary Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
self-willed — adjective a) Obstinate; strong minded He was so self willed that he refused to do anything that did not grant instant satisfaction. b) Possessing self will. The idea of self willed machines, which could decide to take over the world, scares all… … Wiktionary
self-willed — ADJ GRADED Someone who is self willed is determined to do the things that they want to do and will not take advice from other people. He was very independent and self willed … English dictionary
self-willed — adjective very determined to do what you want, even when this is unreasonable: a wild and self willed child self will noun (U) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
self-willed — adjective how can you reason with a self willed teenager? Syn: willful, contrary, perverse, uncooperative, wayward, headstrong, stubborn, obstinate, obdurate, pigheaded, mulish, intransigent, recalcitrant, intractable; formal refractory Ant:… … Thesaurus of popular words
self´willed´ness — self willed «SEHLF WIHLD», adjective. insisting on having one s own way; objecting to doing what others ask or command: »The children…were young and self willed and rude, and would not learn to do as they were bid (George MacDonald).… … Useful english dictionary