Смотреть что такое "self-timed" в других словарях:
Careerscope — is a standardized and timed interest and aptitude assessment for career guidance. The system is widely used in schools, job training programs and in rehabilitation agencies and has been validated against widely recognized criteria. CareerScope… … Wikipedia
Von Neumann universal constructor — John von Neumann s Universal Constructor is a self replicating machine in a cellular automata environment. It was designed in the 1940s, without the use of a computer. The fundamental details of the machine were published in von Neumann s book… … Wikipedia
Metastability in electronics — For other uses of the term, see Metastability. Metastability in electronics is the ability of a digital electronic system to persist for an unbounded time in an unstable equilibrium or metastable state.[1] In metastable states, the circuit may be … Wikipedia
Асинхронная логика — Содержание 1 Принцип самосинхронности 2 Краткая история … Википедия
Варшавский, Виктор Ильич — Виктор Ильич Варшавский Дата рождения: 23 февраля 1933(1933 02 23 … Википедия
IBM POWER — POWER is a RISC instruction set architecture designed by IBM. The name is a backronym for Performance Optimization With Enhanced RISC . POWER is also the name of a series of microprocessors that implement the instruction set architecture (ISA).… … Wikipedia
Early completion — is a property of some classes of asynchronous circuit. It means that the output of a circuit may be available as soon as sufficient inputs have arrived to allow it to be determined. For example, if all of the inputs to a mux have arrived, and all … Wikipedia
Arbiter (electronics) — Arbiters are electronic devices that allocate access to shared resources.Asynchronous arbitersAn important form of arbiter is used in asynchronous circuits, to select the order of access to a shared resource among asynchronous requests. Its… … Wikipedia
Constant-weight code — In coding theory, a constant weight code, also called an m of n code, is an error detection and correction code where all codewords share the same Hamming weight. The theory is closely connected to that of designs (such as t designs and Steiner… … Wikipedia
IBM eServer zSeries 890 — zSeries 890 класс мейнфреймов семейства System Z, созданный компанией IBM и предназначенный для предприятий среднего размера. В целом z890 построен на базе технологии сервера z990, но обладает меньшей мощностью. Содержание 1 Общие… … Википедия
Sécurité matérielle des cartes à puce — La sécurité matérielle des cartes à puce et des autres microcontrôleurs est l un des éléments clefs de la sécurité des informations sensibles qu ils manipulent. La littérature scientifique a produit un grand nombre de publications visant à… … Wikipédia en Français