

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "self-synchronization" в других словарях:

  • self-synchronization — sinchronizavimasis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. self locking; self synchronization vok. Autosynchronisation, f; Selbstsynchronisation, f rus. самосинхронизация, f pranc. autosynchronisation, f …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • self-locking — sinchronizavimasis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. self locking; self synchronization vok. Autosynchronisation, f; Selbstsynchronisation, f rus. самосинхронизация, f pranc. autosynchronisation, f …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • Self-service password reset — is defined as any process or technology that allows users who have either forgotten their password or triggered an intruder lockout to authenticate with an alternate factor, and repair their own problem, without calling the help desk. It is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Self-clocking signal — In telecommunications and electronics, a self clocking signal is one that can be decoded without the need for a separate clock signal or other source of synchronization. This is usually done by including embedded synchronization information… …   Wikipedia

  • Self-synchronizing code — Not to be confused with self clocking signal. In telecommunications, a self synchronizing code[1] is a line code in which the symbol stream formed by a portion of one code word, or by the overlapped portion of any two adjacent code words, is not… …   Wikipedia

  • Self-modifying code — In computer science, self modifying code is code that alters its own instructions, intentionally or otherwise, while it is executing.Self modifying code is quite straightforward to write when using assembly language (taking into account the CPU… …   Wikipedia

  • Self-organized criticality — In physics, self organized criticality (SOC) is a property of (classes of) dynamical systems which have a critical point as an attractor. Their macroscopic behaviour thus displays the spatial and/or temporal scale invariance characteristic of the …   Wikipedia

  • Frame synchronization — While receiving a stream of framed data, frame synchronization is the process by which incoming frame alignment signals, i.e. , distinctive bit sequences (a syncword), are identified, i.e. , distinguished from data bits, permitting the data bits… …   Wikipedia

  • Patterns of self-organization in ants — Bifurcation instant transition of whole system to a new stable pattern when a threshold is reached. Also known as multi stability in which many stable states are possible.Examples of pattern types – # Transition between disordered and ordered… …   Wikipedia

  • Cybernetical physics — is a scientific area on the border of Cybernetics and Physics which studies physical systems with cybernetics methods. Cybernetics methods are understood as methods developed within control theory, information theory, systems theory and related… …   Wikipedia

  • Network-centric warfare — Warfare Military history Eras Prehistoric Ancient Medieval Gunpowder Industrial …   Wikipedia

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