Смотреть что такое "self-release" в других словарях:
Release (music) — In the music industry, a release is usually a term referring to the creative output from an artist available for sale or distribution; a broad term covering the many different formats music can be released in, and different forms of pieces… … Wikipedia
Self-bondage — is the practice of sexual bondage on oneself, or the application of restraints to oneself for the purpose of sexual pleasure. Self bondage is characterised by experimentation and ingenuity and has differs from conventional bondage in that it: *… … Wikipedia
Self-enquiry — (also spelled self inquiry) (Sanskrit IAST|ātma vicāra ) is a practice of meditation designed to rapidly bring about Self realization, Self awareness, spiritual liberation or enlightenment, and is most commonly associated with its most famous… … Wikipedia
Self (Programmiersprache) — Self The Power of Simplicity Objektorientierte Sprache Basisdaten Entwickler Sun Aktuelle Version 4.4 (16. Juli 2010) Betriebssystem … Deutsch Wikipedia
Self (band) — Self Origin Murfreesboro, Tennessee, United States Genres Alternative rock Years active 1993–present Labels Zoo Entertainment Spongebath R … Wikipedia
Self Made (album) — Self Made Studio album by Rocko Released March 18, 2008 ( … Wikipedia
Release liner — is typically used as a carrier for pressure sensitive labels, and is manufactured by the application of silicone coating to a substrate, which may be paper, film, or non woven material. Release liner may be used for both self adhesive and non… … Wikipedia
Self-categorization theory — Self categorization theory, sometimes referred to as the social identity theory of the group, seeks to explain the assumptions that need to be made about psychological group formation in order to understand social categorization studies on… … Wikipedia
Self-powered lighting — is a generic term describing devices that emit light continuously without an external power source. Self powered lighting is most frequently used on wristwatches (i.e. Night watches), gun sights, and certain emergency and tactical equipment.Early … Wikipedia
self´-de|struc´tive|ness — self de|struc|tive «SEHLF dih STRUHK tihv», adjective. 1. tending to destroy oneself or itself: »Suicide is a self destructive urge or act. How mischievous and self destructive anger is (Anthony Ashley Cooper). 2. causing its own destruction:… … Useful english dictionary
self´-de|struc´tive|ly — self de|struc|tive «SEHLF dih STRUHK tihv», adjective. 1. tending to destroy oneself or itself: »Suicide is a self destructive urge or act. How mischievous and self destructive anger is (Anthony Ashley Cooper). 2. causing its own destruction:… … Useful english dictionary