Смотреть что такое "self-projective" в других словарях:
Projective identification — (or PI) is a psychological term first introduced by Melanie Klein of the Object relations school of psychoanalytic thought in 1946. It refers to a psychological process in which a person engages in the ego defense mechanism projection in such a… … Wikipedia
Self psychology — La self psychology ou psychologie du soi étudie les troubles mentaux selon le paradigme métapsychologique. Cette branche de la psychanalyse est indissociable des pathologies narcissiques. Sommaire 1 Histoire 2 Influences 3 Critiques … Wikipédia en Français
Self (psychanalyse) — Le terme self est la traduction anglaise du soi. Il est utilisé en psychologie selon plusieurs acceptions, pas toutes compatibles. En psychanalyse, il se réfère à la notion de Donald Woods Winnicott qui a notamment distingué le vrai self du faux … Wikipédia en Français
Self-adjoint operator — In mathematics, on a finite dimensional inner product space, a self adjoint operator is one that is its own adjoint, or, equivalently, one whose matrix is Hermitian, where a Hermitian matrix is one which is equal to its own conjugate transpose.… … Wikipedia
Self-psychology — La self psychology ou psychologie du soi étudie les troubles mentaux selon le paradigme métapsychologique. Cette branche de la psychanalyse est indissociable des pathologies narcissiques. Sommaire 1 Histoire 2 Influences 3 Critiques … Wikipédia en Français
self-dual — adjective a) (in projective geometry) of a proposition that is equivalent to its dual b) of a graph or polyhedron that is the dual of itself … Wiktionary
projective identification — a type of defense mechanism in which unacceptable aspects of the self are falsely attributed to others; it differs from projection in that the target is transformed, unconsciously identifying and responding, and the aspects that are projected are … Medical dictionary
Psychologie du self — Self psychology La self psychology ou psychologie du soi étudie les troubles mentaux selon le paradigme métapsychologique. Cette branche de la psychanalyse est indissociable des pathologies narcissiques. Sommaire 1 Histoire 2 Influences 3… … Wikipédia en Français
Duality (projective geometry) — A striking feature of projective planes is the symmetry of the roles played by points and lines in the definitions and theorems, and (plane) duality is the formalization of this metamathematical concept. There are two approaches to the subject of … Wikipedia
Real projective plane — In mathematics, the real projective plane is the space of lines in R3 passing through the origin. It is a non orientable two dimensional manifold, that is, a surface, that has basic applications to geometry, but which cannot be embedded in our… … Wikipedia
Correlation (projective geometry) — This article is about correlation in projective geometry. For other uses, see correlation (disambiguation). A correlation is a duality (collineation from a projective space onto its dual space, taking points to hyperplanes (and vice versa) and… … Wikipedia