Смотреть что такое "self-lighting" в других словарях:
self-lighting — self light′ing adj … From formal English to slang
self-lighting — adj. * * * self lightˈing adjective Igniting automatically • • • Main Entry: ↑self … Useful english dictionary
self-lighting — adj. * * * … Universalium
self-controlled — Synonyms and related words: Spartan, accepting, armed with patience, assured, automated, automatic, automatous, balanced, collected, composed, confident, controlled, cybernated, disciplined, endurant, enduring, equanimous, equilibrious, firm… … Moby Thesaurus
self-governing — Synonyms and related words: absolute, aristocratic, autarchic, autarkic, authoritarian, autocratic, automated, automatic, automatous, autonomous, bureaucratic, civic, civil, constitutional, cybernated, democratic, despotic, dictatorial, fascist,… … Moby Thesaurus
self-acting — Synonyms and related words: arbitrary, automated, automatic, automatous, autonomous, cybernated, discretional, discretionary, elective, free, free will, gratuitous, independent, nonmandatory, offered, optional, proffered, self active, self… … Moby Thesaurus
self-adjusting — Synonyms and related words: automated, automatic, automatous, cybernated, self acting, self active, self closing, self controlled, self cooking, self directed, self directing, self dumping, self governed, self governing, self lighting, self… … Moby Thesaurus
self-regulating — Synonyms and related words: automated, automatic, automatous, cybernated, self acting, self active, self adjusting, self closing, self controlled, self cooking, self directed, self directing, self dumping, self governed, self governing, self… … Moby Thesaurus
self-winding — Synonyms and related words: automated, automatic, automatous, cybernated, self acting, self active, self adjusting, self closing, self controlled, self cooking, self directed, self directing, self dumping, self governed, self governing, self… … Moby Thesaurus
Self-powered lighting — is a generic term describing devices that emit light continuously without an external power source. Self powered lighting is most frequently used on wristwatches (i.e. Night watches), gun sights, and certain emergency and tactical equipment.Early … Wikipedia
Self-shadowing — is a computer graphics lighting effect, used in 3D rendering applications such as computer animation and video games. Self shadowing allows non static objects in the environment, such as characters and interactive objects (buckets, chairs, etc),… … Wikipedia