Смотреть что такое "self-instructed" в других словарях:
self-instructed — self instruct′ed adj … From formal English to slang
self-instructed — adj. * * * … Universalium
self-instructed — adj … Useful english dictionary
Self-evaluation maintenance theory — refers to discrepancies between two people in a relationship. Two people in a relationship each aim to keep themselves feeling good psychologically, when they are being compared to the other person [(Tesser, 1988)] .Self evaluation is defined as… … Wikipedia
Self-fashioning — Self fashioning, a term introduced by Stephen Greenblatt ( Renaissance Self Fashioning , 1980), is used to describe the process of constructing one s identity and public persona according to a set of socially acceptable standards. Greenblatt… … Wikipedia
Self-sacrifice in Jewish law — Although rare, there are instances within Jewish law that mandate a Jew to sacrifice his or her own life rather than violate a religious prohibition. One of these prohibitions is that no life should be taken, including one s own. Many more ritual … Wikipedia
Looking glass self — Created by Charles Horton Cooley in 1902 (McIntyre 2006), the looking glass self [The term is sometimes hyphenated in the literature, sometimes not. Compare, for example, the titles of Shaffer (2005) and Yeung Martin (2003), below.] is a… … Wikipedia
αὐτότεχνον — αὐτότεχνος self instructed masc/fem acc sg αὐτότεχνος self instructed neut nom/voc/acc sg … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)
autodidactic — Synonyms and related words: bookish, coeducational, college bred, collegiate, cultural, didactic, disciplinary, edifying, educated, educating, educational, educative, enlightening, exhortatory, graduate, homiletic, hortatory, illuminating,… … Moby Thesaurus
educated — Synonyms and related words: abreast of, abstruse, advanced, ameliorated, au courant, autodidactic, beautified, bettered, briefed, civilized, converted, critical, cultivated, cultured, deep, developed, discerning, embellished, encyclopedic,… … Moby Thesaurus
Sir Winston Churchill High School — Infobox Education in Canada name= Sir Winston Churchill High School motto= Non scholae sed vitae established= 1968 type= Public city= Calgary province= Alberta country= Canada principal= Wayne Tuff ass t principals= Tom Cusack, Gord Baldwin, Deb… … Wikipedia