Смотреть что такое "self-harden" в других словарях:
Self-hardened — Self hardening Self hard en*ing, a. (Metal.) Designating, or pert. to, any of various steels that harden when heated to above a red heat and cooled in air, usually in a blast of cold air with moderate rapidity, without quenching. Such steels are… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Self-hardening — Self hard en*ing, a. (Metal.) Designating, or pert. to, any of various steels that harden when heated to above a red heat and cooled in air, usually in a blast of cold air with moderate rapidity, without quenching. Such steels are alloys of iron… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
self-hardening — self hardened, adj. /self hahr dn ing, self /, adj. noting or pertaining to any of various steels that harden after heating without quenching or other treatment. [1900 05] * * * … Universalium
self-hardening — [self′härd′ n iŋ] adj. designating or of any steel that will harden if air cooled after being heated above red heat … English World dictionary
self-hard|en — «SEHLF HAHR duhn», intransitive verb. (of steel) to harden without the usual quenching process … Useful english dictionary
Harden-Eulenburg Affair — The Harden Eulenburg affair, often simply Eulenburg affair, was the controversy surrounding a series of courts martial and five regular trials regarding accusations of homosexual conduct, and accompanying libel trials, among prominent members of… … Wikipedia
self-hardening — (ˈ) ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷( ̷ ̷) ̷ ̷ adjective : hardening by itself self hardening clay * * * self hardened, adj. /self hahr dn ing, self /, adj. noting or pertaining to any of various steels that harden after heating without quenching or other treatment.… … Useful english dictionary
Self-proclaimed monarchy — A self proclaimed monarchy is a monarchy that is proclaimed into existence, often by an individual, rather than occurring as part of a longstanding tradition. It is thus at least initially the opposite of most hereditary monarchies, although if a … Wikipedia
self-hardening — /sɛlf ˈhadnɪŋ/ (say self hahdning) adjective denoting or relating to any of certain steels which harden without the usual quenching, etc., necessary for ordinary steel. –self hardened, adjective …
James Harden-Hickey — (December 8, 1854 – February 9, 1898) was a Franco American author, newspaper editor, duellist, adventurer and self proclaimed Prince. Early life James Aloysius Harden was born in San Francisco, California on December 8, 1854. To avoid the… … Wikipedia
Of one's self — Of Of ([o^]v), prep. [AS. of of, from, off; akin to D. & OS. af, G. ab off, OHG. aba from, away, Icel., Dan., Sw., & Goth. af, L. ab, Gr. ?, Skr. apa. Cf. {Off}, {A } (2), {Ab }, {After}, {Epi }.] In a general sense, from, or out from; proceeding … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English