Смотреть что такое "self-effacing" в других словарях:
self-effacing — 1902, from SELF (Cf. self) + effacing (see EFFACE (Cf. efface)). Self effacement is recorded from 1866 … Etymology dictionary
self-effacing — self ef facing adj not wanting to attract attention to yourself or your achievements = ↑modest ▪ a quiet, self effacing man >self effacement n [U] … Dictionary of contemporary English
self-effacing — self ef|fac|ing [ ,self ı feısıŋ ] adjective a self effacing person does not want to be noticed by other people and tends not to talk about their abilities or achievements … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
self-effacing — [ˌself ɪˈfeɪsɪŋ] adj someone who is self effacing does not want to be noticed by other people and tends not to talk about their abilities or achievements … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
self-effacing — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ not claiming attention for oneself. DERIVATIVES self effacement noun … English terms dictionary
self-effacing — index diffident, unobtrusive Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
self-effacing — ADJ GRADED Someone who is self effacing does not like talking about themselves or drawing attention to themselves. As women we tend to be self effacing and make light of what we have achieved. ...the slightly self effacing manner adopted by many… … English dictionary
self-effacing — adj. retiring; modest; timid. Derivatives: self effacement n. self effacingly adv. * * * ˌself efˈfacing [self effacement self effacing] adjective not wanting to attract attention to yourself or your abilities … Useful english dictionary
self-effacing — adjective not wanting to attract attention to yourself or your achievements, especially because you are not socially confident: He was loved for his skill and also his self effacing modesty. self effacement noun (U) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
self-effacing — UK [ˌself ɪˈfeɪsɪŋ] / US adjective a self effacing person does not want to be noticed by other people and tends not to talk about their abilities or achievements … English dictionary
self-effacing — adjective Shy, extremely humble and modest; making oneself seem unnoticeable. Clark Kents self effacing behavior is to purposefully make people ignore him … Wiktionary