- self-contradictory statement
- мат. внутренне противоречивое высказывание
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
self-contradictory — adjective Of statements that contradict themselves, ultimately logically corrupting the statement. The statement We agree to disagree on everything is self contradictory. Ant: self consistent … Wiktionary
self-con·tra·dic·to·ry — /ˌsɛlfˌkɑːntrəˈdıktəri/ adj : having two or more parts that disagree with each other Your argument is self contradictory. a self contradictory statement … Useful english dictionary
self-contradiction — noun Date: 1658 1. contradiction of oneself 2. a self contradictory statement or proposition … New Collegiate Dictionary
self-contradiction — self contradicting, adj. self contradictory, adj. /self kon treuh dik sheuhn, self /, n. 1. an act or instance of contradicting oneself or itself. 2. a statement containing contradictory elements. [1650 60] * * * … Universalium
self-contradiction — [self′kän΄trə dik′shən] n. 1. contradiction of oneself or itself 2. any statement or idea containing elements that contradict each other self contradictory adj … English World dictionary
self-contradiction — /ˌsɛlf kɒntrəˈdɪkʃən/ (say .self kontruh dikshuhn) noun 1. the act or fact of contradicting oneself or itself. 2. a statement containing contradictory elements. –self contradictory, adjective …
self-contradiction — noun A statement that contains a contradiction, or a premise from which one could be derived See Also: self contradictory … Wiktionary
self-contradiction — self′ contradic′tion n. 1) an act or instance of contradicting oneself or itself 2) a statement containing contradictory elements • Etymology: 1650–60 self′ contradict′ing, adj. self′ contradic′tory, adj … From formal English to slang
self-con|tra|dic|tion — «SEHLF KON truh DIHK shuhn», noun. 1. contradiction of oneself or itself. 2. a statement containing elements that are contradictory … Useful english dictionary
paradox — paradoxical, paradoxal, adj. paradoxically, adv. paradoxicalness, paradoxicality, n. paradoxology, n. /par euh doks /, n. 1. a statement or proposition that seems self contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth. 2. a self… … Universalium
paradox — noun Etymology: Latin paradoxum, from Greek paradoxon, from neuter of paradoxos contrary to expectation, from para + dokein to think, seem more at decent Date: 1540 1. a tenet contrary to received opinion 2. a. a statement that is seemingly… … New Collegiate Dictionary