self-contained unit

self-contained unit
автономное устройство

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "self-contained unit" в других словарях:

  • self-contained — [self′kən tānd′] adj. 1. keeping one s affairs to oneself; reserved 2. showing self command or self control 3. having all working parts, complete with motive power, in an enclosed unit: said of machinery 4. having within oneself or itself all… …   English World dictionary

  • Self-contained breathing apparatus — SCBA redirects here. For other uses, see SCBA (disambiguation). Not to be confused with the very similar Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus. Toronto firefighter wearing an SCBA A self contained breathing apparatus, or SCBA, sometimes… …   Wikipedia

  • Unit — may refer to:In mathematics: * Unit vector, a vector with length equal to 1 * Unit circle, the circle with radius equal to 1, centered at the origin * Unit interval, the interval of all real numbers between 0 and 1 * Imaginary unit, i , whose… …   Wikipedia

  • Self-steering gear — is equipment used on ships and boats to maintain a chosen course without constant human action. It is also known by several other terms, such as autopilot (borrowed from aircraft and considered incorrect by some) and autohelm (technically a… …   Wikipedia

  • Self-creation cosmology — (SCC) theories are gravitational theories in which the mass of the universe is created out of its self contained gravitational and scalar fields, as opposed to the theory of continuous creation cosmology or the steady state theory which depend on …   Wikipedia

  • unit — ► NOUN 1) an individual thing or person regarded as single and complete; each of the individual components making up a larger whole. 2) a device, part, or item of furniture with a specified function: a sink unit. 3) a self contained or distinct… …   English terms dictionary

  • Unit (housing) — A unit is a measure of housing equivalent to the living quarters of one household. In common speech in Australia and New Zealand, the word unit , when referring to housing, usually means either: an apartment, (where a group of apartments is… …   Wikipedia

  • self-sufficient — Synonyms and related words: acquisitive, ambitious for self, autarchic, autarkic, autistic, autonomous, bashful, careerist, close, closed, complacent, consequential, dissociable, egotistical, erect, free spirited, freewheeling, grasping, greedy,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • unit — noun 1》 an individual thing or person regarded as single and complete but also able to form a individual component of a larger whole.     ↘a self contained section of a building or group of buildings.     ↘a subdivision of a larger military… …   English new terms dictionary

  • unit — /ˈjunət / (say yoohnuht) noun 1. a single thing or person; any group of things or persons regarded as an individual. 2. one of the individuals or groups making up a whole, or into which a whole may be analysed. 3. any magnitude regarded as an… …  

  • tactical unit — noun : an organization of troops designed to function as a single unit in combat; specifically : the organizational unit (as an infantry battalion or a cavalry squadron) in any arm of the service upon which the tactical instruction of that… …   Useful english dictionary

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