Смотреть что такое "self-collineation" в других словарях:
Collineation — In projective geometry, a collineation is a one to one and onto map (a bijection) from one projective space to another, or from a projective space to itself, such that the images of collinear points are themselves collinear. All projective linear … Wikipedia
Plan de Fano — Une représentation du plan de Fano En géométrie projective finie, le plan de Fano, nommé ainsi d après le mathématicien Gino Fano, est le plus petit plan projectif fini, c est à dire celui comportant le plus petit nombre de points et de droites,… … Wikipédia en Français
Duality (projective geometry) — A striking feature of projective planes is the symmetry of the roles played by points and lines in the definitions and theorems, and (plane) duality is the formalization of this metamathematical concept. There are two approaches to the subject of … Wikipedia
Correlation (projective geometry) — This article is about correlation in projective geometry. For other uses, see correlation (disambiguation). A correlation is a duality (collineation from a projective space onto its dual space, taking points to hyperplanes (and vice versa) and… … Wikipedia
Geometry — (Greek γεωμετρία ; geo = earth, metria = measure) is a part of mathematics concerned with questions of size, shape, and relative position of figures and with properties of space. Geometry is one of the oldest sciences. Initially a body of… … Wikipedia