- self-adjoint equation
- мат. самосопряженное уравнение
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Self-adjoint operator — In mathematics, on a finite dimensional inner product space, a self adjoint operator is one that is its own adjoint, or, equivalently, one whose matrix is Hermitian, where a Hermitian matrix is one which is equal to its own conjugate transpose.… … Wikipedia
Hermitian adjoint — In mathematics, specifically in functional analysis, each linear operator on a Hilbert space has a corresponding adjoint operator. Adjoints of operators generalize conjugate transposes of square matrices to (possibly) infinite dimensional… … Wikipedia
Heat equation — The heat equation is an important partial differential equation which describes the distribution of heat (or variation in temperature) in a given region over time. For a function of three spatial variables ( x , y , z ) and one time variable t ,… … Wikipedia
Theoretical and experimental justification for the Schrödinger equation — The theoretical and experimental justification for the Schrödinger equation motivates the discovery of the Schrödinger equation, the equation that describes the dynamics of nonrelativistic particles. The motivation uses photons, which are… … Wikipedia
Hilbert space — For the Hilbert space filling curve, see Hilbert curve. Hilbert spaces can be used to study the harmonics of vibrating strings. The mathematical concept of a Hilbert space, named after David Hilbert, generalizes the notion of Euclidean space. It… … Wikipedia
Spectral theory of ordinary differential equations — In mathematics, the spectral theory of ordinary differential equations is concerned with the determination of the spectrum and eigenfunction expansion associated with a linear ordinary differential equation. In his dissertation Hermann Weyl… … Wikipedia
Mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics — Quantum mechanics Uncertainty principle … Wikipedia
Sturm-Liouville theory — In mathematics and its applications, a classical Sturm Liouville equation, named after Jacques Charles François Sturm (1803 1855) and Joseph Liouville (1809 1882), is a real second order linear differential equation of the formwhere y is a… … Wikipedia
Density matrix — Mixed state redirects here. For the psychiatric condition, see Mixed state (psychiatry). In quantum mechanics, a density matrix is a self adjoint (or Hermitian) positive semidefinite matrix (possibly infinite dimensional) of trace one, that… … Wikipedia
Eigenvalue, eigenvector and eigenspace — In mathematics, given a linear transformation, an Audio|De eigenvector.ogg|eigenvector of that linear transformation is a nonzero vector which, when that transformation is applied to it, changes in length, but not direction. For each eigenvector… … Wikipedia
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors — For more specific information regarding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices, see Eigendecomposition of a matrix. In this shear mapping the red arrow changes direction but the blue arrow does not. Therefore the blue arrow is an… … Wikipedia