- selenium compound
- селеновая (противоокислительная) присадка
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Selenium sulfide — chembox new ImageFile= ImageSize= IUPACName= Selenium(IV) sulfide, selenium disulfide OtherNames= Section1=Chembox Identifiers CASNo=7488 56 4 PubChem=24087 SMILES=S= [Se] =S MeSHName=Selenium+sulfide Section2=Chembox Properties Formula=SeS2… … Wikipedia
selenium sulphide — a selenium compound with antifungal properties, used to treat dandruff and scalp infections. It is administered in a shampoo. Trade names: Lenium, Selsun … Medical dictionary
selenium sulphide — a selenium compound with antifungal properties, used to treat dandruff and scalp infections. It is administered in a shampoo. Trade names: Selsun … The new mediacal dictionary
Selenium trioxide — Selenium trioxide[1] Identifiers CAS number 13768 86 0 PubChem … Wikipedia
Selenium monochloride — IUPAC name Selenium monochloride Other names Dichloro … Wikipedia
Selenium dioxide — Selenium dioxide … Wikipedia
Selenium tetrachloride — Chembox new Name = Selenium tetrachloride ImageFile = ImageSize = ImageName = IUPACName = Selenium tetrachloride OtherNames = Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 10026 03 6 RTECS = VS7875000 PubChem = 24859372 Section2 = Chembox Properties… … Wikipedia
Selenium tetrafluoride — Chembox new ImageFile = Selenium tetrafluoride gas 3D balls.png ImageSize = 200 px IUPACName = OtherNames = Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 13465 66 2 PubChem = SMILES = Section2 = Chembox Properties Formula = SeF4 MolarMass = 154.954… … Wikipedia
Selenium hexafluoride — Chembox new ImageFileL1 = Selenium hexafluoride 2D.png ImageSizeL1 = ImageFileR1 = Selenium hexafluoride 3D balls.png ImageSizeR1 = IUPACName = selenium hexafluoride, OtherNames = selenium(VI) fluoride, selenium fluoride Section1 = Chembox… … Wikipedia
Selenium oxydichloride — Chembox new Name = Selenium oxydichloride ImageFile = SeOCl2.png ImageName = Structure of the selenium oxydichloride molecule ImageFile1 = Selenium oxydichloride 3D vdW.png ImageName1 = 3D model of the selenium oxydichloride molecule IUPACName =… … Wikipedia
Selenium hexasulfide — Chembox new Name = Selenium hexasulfide ImageFile = Selenium hexasulfide.jpg ImageName = Selenium hexasulfide OtherNames = Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 75926 26 0 Section2 = Chembox Properties Formula = Se2S6 MolarMass = 350.32 g/mol… … Wikipedia