Смотреть что такое "seismical" в других словарях:
seismical — seismic ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to earthquakes or other vibrations of the earth and its crust. 2) of enormous proportions or effect. DERIVATIVES seismical adjective seismically adverb. ORIGIN from Greek seismos earthquake … English terms dictionary
seismical — seis·mi·cal … English syllables
seismical — adjective see seismic I * * * seisˈmal, seisˈmic or seisˈmical adjective (seismic array a system of seismographs, linked together and placed so as to increase sensitivity to the occurrence of earthquakes; seismic prospecting investigating the… … Useful english dictionary
Obelisk of Axum — The Obelisk of Axum in the Tigray Region in 2009. The Obelisk of Axum (today, especially in Axum, also called the Rome Stele) is a 1,700 year old, 24 metres (78 foot) tall granite stele/obelisk, weighing 160 tonnes, in the city of Axum in… … Wikipedia
seismic — seismically, adv. /suyz mik, suys /, adj. pertaining to, of the nature of, or caused by an earthquake or vibration of the earth, whether due to natural or artificial causes. Also, seismal, seismical. [1855 60; SEISM + IC] * * * … Universalium
seismic — [ sʌɪzmɪk] adjective 1》 relating to earthquakes or other vibrations of the earth and its crust. ↘relating to or denoting geological surveying methods involving vibrations produced artificially by explosions. 2》 of enormous proportions or… … English new terms dictionary
bra — ad·um·bra·tion; adum·bra·tive; Air·bra·sive; al·ge·bra·ic; al·ge·bra·ist; al·ge·bra·i·za·tion; al·ge·bra·ize; alum·bra·do; an·te·bra·chi·um; bra; bra·bant; bra·ce·ro; bra·chid·i·um; bra·chi·o·la; bra·chis·to·cephalic; bra·chis·to·chrone;… … English syllables
bradyseismical — bra·dy·seismical … English syllables
seismic — /ˈsaɪzmɪk / (say suyzmik) adjective relating to, of the nature of, or caused by an earthquake. Also, seismal, seismical. {Greek seismos earthquake + ic} –seismically, adverb …
seismic — ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to earthquakes or other vibrations of the earth and its crust. 2) of enormous proportions or effect. DERIVATIVES seismical adjective seismically adverb. ORIGIN from Greek seismos earthquake … English terms dictionary
seismically — seismic ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to earthquakes or other vibrations of the earth and its crust. 2) of enormous proportions or effect. DERIVATIVES seismical adjective seismically adverb. ORIGIN from Greek seismos earthquake … English terms dictionary