- seismic observatory
- сейсмическая обсерватория
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
seismic observatory — seisminė observatorija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. seismic observatory vok. seismisches Observatorium, n rus. сейсмическая обсерватория, f pranc. observatoire seismique, m; observatoire sismique, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
William Spain Seismic Observatory, Fordham University — The William Spain Seismic Observatory at the Rose Hill Campus of Fordham University in the Bronx, New York [ [http://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/20/nyregion/20quake.html?pagewanted=1 r=2 ref=science New York Times] ] The seismic recordings from this… … Wikipedia
Seismic Handler — (SH) is an interactive analysis program for preferably continuous waveform data. It was developed at the Seismological Observatory Gräfenberg and is in use there for daily routine analysis of local and global seismic events. In original form… … Wikipedia
Seismic scale — A seismic scale is used to measure and compare the severity of earthquakes. (For a quick review, see the table of seismic scales at the end of this article.)Two fundamentally different but equally important types of scales are commonly used by… … Wikipedia
seismic swarm — ALASKA VOLCANO OBSERVATORY GLOSSARY A series of earthquakes, occurring in a limited area over a relatively short period of time … Glossary of volcanic terms
Eskdalemuir Observatory — The Eskdalemuir Observatory is located near Eskdalemuir, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland. Built in 1904, its remote location was chosen to minimise electrical interference with geomagnetic instruments, which were relocated there from Kew Gardens… … Wikipedia
Coats Observatory — is one of four public observatories operating in the UK, all of which are sited in Scotland. Coats Observatory is located in Oakshaw Street West, Paisley and was designed by Glasgow architect John Honeyman, with funding coming from local thread… … Wikipedia
Coats Observatory, Paisley — Coats Observatory is one of four public observatories operating in the UK, all of which are sited in Scotland.Coats Observatory is located in Oakshaw Street, Paisley and was designed by Glasgow architect John Honeyman, with funding coming from… … Wikipedia
Modra Observatory — Code 118 Location Modra, Slovakia … Wikipedia
Manila Observatory — The Manila Observatory (originally the Observatorio Meteorológico del Ateneo Municipal de Manila, and later the Observatorio Meteorológico de Manila) is a non profit research institute housed in the campus of the Ateneo de Manila University in… … Wikipedia
Vatican Observatory — • Gregory XIII ordered a tower to be erected in a convenient part of the Vatican buildings, and to be fitted out with the greatest and best instruments of the time Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Vatican Observatory … Catholic encyclopedia