seismic instrument

seismic instrument
сейсмический прибор;
pl сейсмическая аппаратура

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "seismic instrument" в других словарях:

  • seismic —   a. pertaining to earthquakes.    ♦ seismicity, n.    ♦ seismal,    ♦ seismatical,    ♦ seismetic, a.    ♦ seismism, n. seismic phenomena.    ♦ seismograph, n. instrument recording earthquakes.    ♦ seismology, n. study of earthquakes.    ♦… …   Dictionary of difficult words

  • Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Design — V.V. Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Design Type Joint stock company Industry radiotechnics Founded 1955 Headquarters …   Wikipedia

  • seismograph — seismographic /suyz meuh graf ik, suys /, seismographical, adj. /suyz meuh graf , grahf , suys /, n. any of various instruments for measuring and recording the vibrations of earthquakes. [1855 60; SEISMO + GRAPH] * * * Introduction… …   Universalium

  • Earth Sciences — ▪ 2009 Introduction Geology and Geochemistry       The theme of the 33rd International Geological Congress, which was held in Norway in August 2008, was “Earth System Science: Foundation for Sustainable Development.” It was attended by nearly… …   Universalium

  • Geophysical MASINT — is a branch of Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT) that involves phenomena transmitted through the earth (ground, water, atmosphere) and manmade structures including emitted or reflected sounds, pressure waves, vibrations, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Earth exploration — Introduction   the investigation of the surface of the Earth and of its interior.  By the beginning of the 20th century most of the Earth s surface had been explored, at least superficially, except for the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Today the… …   Universalium

  • Seismometer — Seismometers (from Greek Seism the shakes and Metro I measure ) are instruments that measure and record motions of the ground, including those of seismic waves generated by earthquakes, nuclear explosions, and other seismic sources. Records of… …   Wikipedia

  • Ocean-bottom seismometer — (OBS) is a seismometer that is designed to record the earth motion under oceans and lakes from man made sources and natural sources …   Wikipedia

  • geology — /jee ol euh jee/, n., pl. geologies. 1. the science that deals with the dynamics and physical history of the earth, the rocks of which it is composed, and the physical, chemical, and biological changes that the earth has undergone or is… …   Universalium

  • ALSEP — Station ALSEP de la mission Apollo 16. L Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) est un ensemble d instruments scientifiques installé par les astronautes des six missions du programme Apollo à la surface de la Lune entre 1969 et… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package — ALSEP Station ALSEP de la mission Apollo 16. L Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) est un ensemble d instruments scientifiques installé par les astronautes des 6 missions du programme Apollo à la surface de la Lune entre 1969 et …   Wikipédia en Français

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