seismic exploration

seismic exploration
сейсмическая разведка, сейсморазведка

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "seismic exploration" в других словарях:

  • Seismic exploration — is a set of geophysical methods of exploration based on a study of artificially induced waves of elastic vibrations propagating in the Earth crust. It is one of the geophysical exploration methods leading in terms of diversity of tasks to be… …   Glossary of Oil and Gas

  • Line-miles of seismic exploration —   The distance along the Earth s surface that is covered by seismic surveying.   U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s Energy Glossary …   Energy terms

  • Seismic source — This article is about artificial seismic sources. For natural seismic sources, see Earthquake, Volcano, and related articles. A seismic source generates controlled seismic energy that is used in both reflection and refraction seismic surveys. A… …   Wikipedia

  • Exploration geophysics — is the applied branch of geophysics which uses surface methods to measure the physical properties of the subsurface Earth, in order to detect or infer the presence and position of concentrations of ore minerals and hydrocarbons. Exploration… …   Wikipedia

  • Seismic Unix — is an open source seismic utilities package supported by the Center for Wave Phenomena (CWP) at the Colorado School of Mines (CSM).Infobox Software name = Seismic Unix caption = Velocity Analysis with SU developer = [… …   Wikipedia

  • Seismic tomography — is a methodology for estimating the earth s properties. In the seismology community, seismic tomography is just a part of seismic imaging, and usually has a more specific purpose to estimate properties such as propagating velocities of… …   Wikipedia

  • Seismic hazard — refers to the study of expected earthquake ground motions at the earth s surface, and its likely effects on existing natural conditions and man made structures for public safety considerations; the results of such studies are published as seismic …   Wikipedia

  • Seismic refraction — is a geophysical principle (see refraction) governed by Snell s Law. Used in the fields of engineering geology, geotechnical engineering and exploration geophysics, seismic refraction traverses (seismic lines) are performed using a seismograph(s) …   Wikipedia

  • exploration — /ek spleuh ray sheuhn/, n. 1. an act or instance of exploring or investigating; examination. 2. the investigation of unknown regions. [1535 45; < L exploration (s. of exploratio) an examination, equiv. to explorat(us) searched out, examined (ptp …   Universalium

  • seismic survey —       method of investigating subterranean structure, particularly as related to exploration for petroleum, natural gas, and mineral deposits (mineral deposit). The technique is based on determinations of the time interval that elapses between… …   Universalium

  • Exploration of the Moon — Apollo 12 lunar module Intrepid prepares to descend towards the surface of the Moon. NASA photo. The physical exploration of the Moon began when Luna 2, a space probe launched by the Soviet Union, made an impact on the surface of the Moon on …   Wikipedia

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