Смотреть что такое "seif-dune" в других словарях:
seif dune — A large, sharp crested, elongated, longitudinal (linear) dune or chain of sand dunes, oriented parallel, rather than transverse (perpendicular), to the prevailing wind. If unmodified, the crest, in profile, commonly consists of a succession of … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
seif dune — noun a long and tall sand dune with a sharp crest; common in the Sahara • Hypernyms: ↑dune, ↑sand dune … Useful english dictionary
seif-dune — /ˈseɪf djun/ (say sayf dyoohn) noun (in deserts, especially the Sahara) a ridge of blown sand, sometimes several kilometres long, stretching across the desert in the direction of the prevailing wind. {seif from Arabic: sword} …
Seif — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Karl Winfried Seif (* 1943), deutscher Politiker (CDU) Leonhard Seif (1866–1949), deutscher Neurologe, Erziehungsberater und Individualpsychologe Theodor Seif (1894–1939), österreichischer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Dune — For other uses, see Dune (disambiguation). Erg Chebbi, Morocco … Wikipedia
dune — A low mound, ridge, bank or hill of loose, windblown, subaerially deposited granular material (generally sand), either barren and capable of movement from place to place, or covered and stabilized with vegetation, but retaining its… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
seif — n. (in full seif dune) a sand dune in the form of a long narrow ridge. Etymology: Arab. saif sword (from its shape) … Useful english dictionary
seif — [sāf, sīf] n. an immense, long, curving, ridgelike sand dune, as of the Sahara … English World dictionary
seif — /sayf, suyf/, n. a long narrow sand dune parallel to the prevailing wind direction. [ < Ar sayf sword] * * * ▪ sand dune a long, narrow sand dune or chain of dunes, generally oriented in a direction parallel to the prevailing wind or in a… … Universalium
seif — noun a) A sand dune that elongates parallel to the prevailing wind. b) thirst Syn: longitudinal dune … Wiktionary
seif — a sand dune found in desert areas where the alignment is with the prevailing wind direction … Geography glossary