- seed bank
- семенной фонд редких или исчезающих растений
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Seed bank — may refer to: *Seedbank, a repository of preserved seeds *Soil seed bank, the combinations of seeds present in the soil … Wikipedia
seed bank — noun (botany) 1. The total viable seed content of the soil 2. A collection of seeds in long term storage, which can be germinated as required for breeding and study • • • Main Entry: ↑seed … Useful english dictionary
seed bank — /ˈsid bæŋk/ (say seed bangk) noun 1. a store of seeds as a source for their future planting should they become extinct in the natural world. 2. the naturally occurring store of seed conserved in an ecosystem or reserve. There are estimated to be… …
Soil seed bank — The soil seed bank is the collective name for the store of seeds, often dormant, which are stored within the soil of many terrestrial ecosystems. Background Soil seeds banks of particular taxa have been classified according to the longevity of… … Wikipedia
Millennium Seed Bank Project — Millennium Seed Bank building Bixa … Wikipedia
Millennium Seed Bank Project — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Semillas de Bixa orellana … Wikipedia Español
Seed company — Seed companies produce and sell seeds for flowers, fruit and vegetables to theamateur gardener. The production of seed is a multi billion dollar business, which usesgrowing facilities and growing locations world wide. While most seed is produced… … Wikipedia
Seed Banks-Preserving Crop Diversity — ▪ 2009 On Feb. 26, 2008, the most ambitious seed bank facility ever constructed was inaugurated in Svalbard, a Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean only about 1,000 km (620 mi) from the North Pole. The Svalbard Global Seed Vault (SGSV) … Universalium
Seed — A seed Audio IPA|en us seed.ogg|/ˈsiːd/ (in some plants, referred to as a kernel) is a small embryonic plant enclosed in a covering called the seed coat, usually with some stored food. It is the product of the ripened ovule of gymnosperm and… … Wikipedia
Seed contamination — is the mixing of seeds used for agriculture with other seeds which are not desirable or soil (which may carry seeds). An example would be mixing corn seed with weed seed. These contaminant seeds can be either common weeds or other crop seeds.In… … Wikipedia
Bank secrecy — (or bank privacy) is a legal principle under which banks are allowed to protect personal information about their customers, through the use of numbered bank accounts or otherwise. Effective bank secrecy is better achieved in certain countries,… … Wikipedia