see with half an eye
Смотреть что такое "see with half an eye" в других словарях:
see with half an eye — To see without difficulty • • • Main Entry: ↑eye … Useful english dictionary
with half an eye — phrasal : with only a hurried glance : without paying full attention with half an eye he could see what their plan was … Useful english dictionary
half an eye — {n. phr.} A slight glance; a quick look. * /The substitute teacher could see with half an eye that she was going to have trouble with the class./ * /While Mary was cooking she kept half an eye on the baby to see that he didn t get into mischief./ … Dictionary of American idioms
half an eye — {n. phr.} A slight glance; a quick look. * /The substitute teacher could see with half an eye that she was going to have trouble with the class./ * /While Mary was cooking she kept half an eye on the baby to see that he didn t get into mischief./ … Dictionary of American idioms
half\ an\ eye — n. phr. A slight glance; a quick look. The substitute teacher could see with half an eye that she was going to have trouble with the class. While Mary was cooking she kept half an eye on the baby to see that he didn t get into mischief … Словарь американских идиом
Half an eye — Eye Eye ([imac]), n. [OE. eghe, eighe, eie, eye, AS. e[ a]ge; akin to OFries. [=a]ge, OS. [=o]ga, D. oog, Ohg. ouga, G. auge, Icel. auga, Sw. [ o]ga, Dan. [ o]ie, Goth. aug[=o]; cf. OSlav. oko, Lith. akis, L. okulus, Gr. o kkos, eye, o sse, the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
eye — or private eye [ī] n. [ME ey, eie < OE ēage, akin to Ger auge < IE base * okw , to see > Gr osse, eyes, ōps, face, eye, L oculus] 1. the organ of sight in humans and animals 2. a) the eyeball b) the iris [brown eyes] … English World dictionary
eye — eyeable, adj. eyelike, adj. eyer, n. /uy/, n., pl. eyes, (Archaic) eyen or eyne; v., eyed, eying or eyeing. n. 1. the organ of sight, in vertebrates typically one of a pair of spherical bodies contained in an orbit of the skull and in humans… … Universalium
eye — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. watch, ogle, stare, view, observe, scrutinize, inspect. See vision. n. orb, visual organ; optic; eyesight, perception; vision; opinion, view; hook, loop, opening. See circularity, body. II (Roget s … English dictionary for students
eye — /aɪ / (say uy) noun (plural eyes) 1. the organ of sight or vision. 2. all the structures situated within or near the orbit which assist the organ of vision. 3. this organ with respect to the colour of the iris: blue eyes. 4. the region… …
see into — (also see through) understand, see with half an eye, see easily … New dictionary of synonyms