- sedimentation centrifuge
- осадительная центрифуга
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
sédimentation — [ sedimɑ̃tasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1861; de sédiment 1 ♦ Méd. Formation de sédiment. Sédimentation sanguine : dépôt des globules rouges du sang rendu incoagulable, au fond du tube où il est laissé en repos. Vitesse de sédimentation, dont la détermination… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Sedimentation — Sédimentation La sédimentation est l ensemble des processus par lesquels les particules physiques (organiques ou minérales) en suspension et en transit cessent de se déplacer et se déposent, devenant ainsi des sédiments. La sédimentation est… … Wikipédia en Français
Sedimentation equilibrium — is an analytical ultracentrifugation method for measuring protein molecular masses in solution and for studying protein protein interactions. Particular applications of this technique are: * establishing the native state of a protein as a monomer … Wikipedia
sedimentation coefficient — n a measure of the rate at which a molecule (as a protein) suspended in a colloidal solution sediments in an ultracentrifuge usu. expressed in svedbergs * * * the velocity at which a particle sediments in a centrifuge divided by the applied… … Medical dictionary
centrifuge — centrifugation /sen trif yeuh gay sheuhn, trif euh /, n. /sen treuh fyoohj /, n., v., centrifuged, centrifuging. n. 1. an apparatus that rotates at high speed and by centrifugal force separates substances of different densities, as milk and cream … Universalium
Centrifuge — This article is about the scientific device. For the Christian camp, see Centrifuge (camps). For spin direction in quantum mechanics, see Spin (physics)#Spin direction. A laboratory tabletop centrifuge. A centrifuge is a piece of equipment,… … Wikipedia
Sedimentation coefficient — The sedimentation coefficient s of a particle is used to characterize its behaviour in sedimentation processes, notably centrifugation. It is defined as the ratio of a particle s sedimentation velocity to the acceleration that is applied to it… … Wikipedia
Sédimentation — Une sédimentation est un processus dans lequel des particules de matière quelconque cessent progressivement de se déplacer et se réunissent en couches. Les facteurs induisant la sédimentation peuvent être variés en nombre et en proportion.… … Wikipédia en Français
Sedimentation rate — A blood test that detects and monitors inflammation in the body. It measures the rate at which red blood cells (RBCs) in a test tube separate from blood serum over time, becoming sediment in the bottom of the test tube. The sedimentation rate… … Medical dictionary
sedimentation — Formation of a sediment. * * * sed·i·men·ta·tion .sed ə (.)men tā shən n 1) the action or process of depositing sediment 2) the depositing esp. by mechanical means of matter suspended in a liquid * * * sed·i·men·ta·tion (sed″ĭ mən … Medical dictionary
Laboratory centrifuge — A tabletop laboratory centrifuge Uses Separation Related items Gas centrifuge Ultracentrifuge A laboratory centrifuge is a piece of laboratory equipment, driven by a m … Wikipedia