Смотреть что такое "seder" в других словарях:
Seder — Séder Repas de Seder … Wikipédia en Français
Séder — La table du Séder Sources halakhiques Textes dans la Loi juive relatifs à cet article Mishna Pessa him … Wikipédia en Français
Seder — (plural: sedarim ) is a Hebrew word meaning order , and can have any of the following meanings:For Jewish holidays: * Passover Seder , relives the enslavement and subsequent Exodus of the Children of Israel from Ancient Egypt *There is also a… … Wikipedia
SEDER — (Heb. סֵדֶר; order, arrangement ). The word seder occurs only once in the Bible, in the plural (Job. 10:22), but it is extensively used in rabbinical literature. The best known of these uses are the following: (1) The pericopes of the Bible… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Seder — [sā′dər] n. pl. Sedarim [sə där′im] or Seders [Heb seder, lit., order, arrangement < root sdr, to arrange, order] [also s ] Judaism the feast commemorating the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, observed in the home by the reading of the Haggada… … English World dictionary
Seder — (hebr., Ordnung), Titel von Büchern, welche Vorschriften, Verhaltungsregeln etc. enthalten … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Seder — (hebr.), s. Passah … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Seder — a special dinner which takes place on the first two nights of ↑Passover and is held to remember the occasion when the Jewish people left Egypt … Dictionary of contemporary English
Seder — home service on the first nights of Passover, 1865, from Heb. sedher order, procedure, related to sedherah row, rank … Etymology dictionary
seder — séder m DEFINICIJA jud. 1. obiteljska večera u predvečerje blagdana Pesaha s ustaljenim redom obreda i simboličnih radnji; čita se i pjeva Hagada 2. šest poglavlja na koja je podijeljena Mišna 3. podjela Biblije na odlomke, perikope, za ciklično… … Hrvatski jezični portal
seder — Seder, et appaiser une douleur, Sedare dolorem … Thresor de la langue françoyse