security threat
Смотреть что такое "security threat" в других словарях:
threat — n. 1) to issue, make, utter a threat 2) to carry out, fulfill a threat 3) to be, constitute, pose a threat 4) a covert; dire, grave, serious; direct; empty, idle; explicit; imminent; implicit; terroristic; veiled threat 5) a security threat 6) a… … Combinatory dictionary
Security — is the condition of being protected against danger, loss, and criminals. In the general sense, security is a concept similar to safety. The nuance between the two is an added emphasis on being protected from dangers that originate from outside.… … Wikipedia
Security engineering — is a specialized field of engineering that focuses on the security aspects in the design of systems that need to be able to deal robustly with possible sources of disruption, ranging from natural disasters to malicious acts. It is similar to… … Wikipedia
Security issues in Germany — covers the major threats to Germany s national and international security.External threatsAccording to former German Defense Minister Peter Struck, Germany does not face a conventional threat to its territory. In his own words, “At present, and… … Wikipedia
Security guard — Private factory guard Occupation Activity sectors Security Description A security guard (or security officer) is a person who is paid to protect pro … Wikipedia
Security theater — consists of security countermeasures intended to provide the feeling of improved security while doing little or nothing to actually improve security. [cite book last = Schneier first = Bruce authorlink = Bruce Schneier title = Beyond Fear:… … Wikipedia
Security level management — (SLM) comprises a quality assurance system for electronic information security. The aim of SLM is to display the IT security status transparently across a company at any time, and to make IT security a measurable quantity. Transparency and… … Wikipedia
security — se·cur·i·ty /si kyu̇r ə tē/ n pl ties 1 a: something (as a mortgage or collateral) that is provided to make certain the fulfillment of an obligation used his property as security for a loan b: surety see also … Law dictionary
Security Level Management — (SLM) ist ein Qualitätssicherungssystem für die elektronische Informationssicherheit. SLM hat zum Ziel, den IT Sicherheitsstatus jederzeit unternehmensweit transparent darzustellen und IT Sicherheit zu einer messbaren Größe zu machen. Transparenz … Deutsch Wikipedia
Security of tenure — is a term used in political science to describe a constitutional or legal guarantee that an office holder cannot be removed from office except in exceptional and specified circumstances. Without security of tenure, an office holder may find his… … Wikipedia
security risk — security risks N COUNT If you describe someone as a security risk, you mean that they may be a threat to the safety of a country or organization … English dictionary