securities transfer

securities transfer
перевод ценных бумагимени одного собственника на другое имя)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "securities transfer" в других словарях:

  • Securities Transfer Association Medallion Program - STAMP — A verification system used by many different institutions to authorize and guarantee the individual signatures applied to securities requiring transfers. This is the authentication benchmark used by the securities industry when making transfers …   Investment dictionary

  • Transfer agent — Companies that have publicly traded securities typically use transfer agents to keep track of the individuals and entities that own their stocks and bonds. Most transfer agents are banks or trust companies, but sometimes a company acts as its own …   Wikipedia

  • Transfer On Death - TOD — A way of designating beneficiaries to receive your assets at the time of your death without having to go through probate. This designation also allows you to specify the percentage of assets each person or entity (your TOD beneficiary ) will… …   Investment dictionary

  • securities lending — also stock lending The outright transfer of securities against a promise to re transfer subsequently equivalent securities; the borrower transfers to the lender other securities or cash by way of collateral. Typically, the loan will be made to a… …   Law dictionary

  • Securities and Exchange Commission, Bangladesh — Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC) is the regulator of the capital market of Bangladesh,comprising of Dhaka Stock Exchange and Chittagong Stock Exchange.BackgroundSEC was established on 8th June, 1993 under the Securities and Exchange… …   Wikipedia

  • transfer-on-death — (TOD) Refers to the right to name a beneficiary in a document of title which allows the beneficiary to receive the property quickly, outside of probate. In most states, securities can be registered in TOD form. In some states, you can register… …   Law dictionary

  • Securities Fraud Deterrence and Investor Restitution Act — The Securities Fraud Deterrence and Investor Restitution Act was USBill|108|H.R.|2179 and is a bill currently on the Union Calendar. Its official titles as introduced, is To enhance the authority of the Securities and Exchange Commission to… …   Wikipedia

  • securities lending — The temporary transfer of securities from an investor s portfolio to a counterparty borrower. The counterparty may borrow to cover securities transaction fails (securities sold but for some reason unavailable for delivery to the buyers), short… …   Financial and business terms

  • Transfer Tax — Any kind of tax that is levied on the transfer of official documents or other property. Transfer tax is paid by the seller of the property. Gift and estate taxes are both transfer taxes. Transfer tax is also known as excise tax in some states.… …   Investment dictionary

  • Transfer agent — Individual or institution appointed by a company to look after the transfer of securities. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * transfer agent transfer agent ➔ agent * * * transfer agent UK US noun [C] FINANCE ► a person or financial… …   Financial and business terms

  • transfer agent — Individual or institution a company appoints to look after the transfer of securities. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary The party appointed by the issuer. It updates records of investor accounts to reflect the daily investor purchases, redemptions …   Financial and business terms

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