secular term

secular term
мат. вековой член

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "secular term" в других словарях:

  • Secular humanism — is a humanist philosophy that upholds reason, ethics and justice, and specifically rejects the supernatural and the spiritual as the basis of moral reflection and decision making. Like other types of humanism, secular humanism is a life stance… …   Wikipedia

  • Secular religion — is a term used to describe ideas, theories or philosophies which involve no spiritual component, yet possess qualities similar to those of a religion. Such qualities include such things as dogma, a system of indoctrination, the prescription of an …   Wikipedia

  • Secular ethics — is a branch of moral philosophy in which ethics is based solely on human faculties such as logic, reason or moral intuition, and not derived from purported supernatural revelation or guidance (which is the source of religious ethics). Secular… …   Wikipedia

  • Secular education — is a term that refers to the system of public education in countries with a secular government or separation between religion and state.While it is considered an important part of a democratic and free society, some may oppose secular education… …   Wikipedia

  • Secular Organizations for Sobriety — (SOS), also known as Save Our Selves, is a non profit network of autonomous addiction recovery groups. The program stresses the need to place the highest priority on sobriety and uses mutual support to assist members in achieving this goal. The… …   Wikipedia

  • secular humanism — n. 1. humanism that systematically opposes the introduction of religious ideas or standards into the functions of the state, esp. into public education 2. a system of doctrines and practices that disregards or rejects any form of religious faith… …   English World dictionary

  • Secular Jewish music — …   Wikipedia

  • Secular variation — The secular variation (or secular trend) of a time series is its long term non periodic variation, as opposed to its periodic variation. Of course, whether something is perceived as a secular variation or not depends on the available timescale:… …   Wikipedia

  • Secular — An adjective used to describe a long term time frame, usually at least 10 years. It is important for investors to identify secular trends in markets, not just short term trends, if they want to succeed. Examples of secular trends include an aging …   Investment dictionary

  • Secular state — A secular state is a concept of secularism, whereby a state or country purports to be officially neutral in matters of religion, supporting neither religion nor irreligion.[1] A secular state also claims to treat all its citizens equally… …   Wikipedia

  • Secular order — A Secular Order (also called a Third Order Secular ) is defined according to Canon Law of the Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church in the following way: Associations whose members live in the world but share in the spirit of some religious… …   Wikipedia

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