secondhand smoke
Смотреть что такое "secondhand smoke" в других словарях:
secondhand smoke — Smoke that comes from the burning of a tobacco product and smoke that is exhaled by smokers. Inhaling secondhand smoke is called involuntary or passive smoking. Also called environmental tobacco smoke and ETS … English dictionary of cancer terms
secondhand smoke — n. smoke from a cigarette, cigar, etc., that is inhaled by persons other than the smoker … English World dictionary
secondhand smoke — smoke from a cigarette, cigar, or pipe that is involuntarily inhaled, esp. by nonsmokers. [1975 80] * * * … Universalium
secondhand smoke — smoke produced by one person s cigarette (or pipe, etc.) and inhaled by another nearby person … English contemporary dictionary
secondhand smoke — sec·ond·hand smoke .sek ən(d) .han(d) n tobacco smoke that is exhaled by a smoker or is given off by burning tobacco (as of a cigarette) and is inhaled by persons nearby called also passive smoke … Medical dictionary
secondhand smoke — sec′ondhand smoke′ n. tobacco smoke involuntarily inhaled • Etymology: 1975–80 … From formal English to slang
secondhand smoke — noun : tobacco smoke that is exhaled by a smoker or is given off by burning tobacco and is inhaled by persons nearby * * * noun [noncount] : smoke from a cigarette, cigar, pipe, etc., that can be inhaled by people who are near the person who is… … Useful english dictionary
secondhand smoke — noun Date: 1976 tobacco smoke that is exhaled by smokers or is given off by burning tobacco and is inhaled by persons nearby … New Collegiate Dictionary
secondhand smoke — noun Smoke from cigarettes as inhaled by people who are not smoking … Wiktionary
secondhand drinking — n. A negative effect that a drinker has on a non drinker. Example Citations: I am in favor of a smoking ban but not without something being done about a drinking ban. Yes, there is something valid about secondhand smoke, but look at the innocent… … New words
Smoke-Free Illinois Act Public Act 095-0017 — On January 11, 2007 Illinois State Senator John J. Cullerton introduced comprehensive legislation that would make Illinois workplaces and indoor public places smoke free. Similar legislation was also introduced in the Illinois House of… … Wikipedia