secondhand car
Смотреть что такое "secondhand car" в других словарях:
secondhand car — noun a car that has been previously owned; not a new car • Syn: ↑used car • Hypernyms: ↑car, ↑auto, ↑automobile, ↑machine, ↑motorcar … Useful english dictionary
secondhand — /ˌsekənd hænd/ adjective, adverb which has been owned by someone before ● a secondhand car ● the market in secondhand computers or the secondhand computer market ● to buy something secondhand … Marketing dictionary in english
Secondhand — Происхождение секонда и виды сборки. Специфика В Европе и Соединенных Штатах second hand это любая бывшая в употреблении вещь, будь то автомобиль (secondhand car), книга (secondhand book) или даже информация, полученная не от первоисточника… … Википедия
secondhand — {adj.} Used; not new; preowned. * /Sometimes a secondhand car is just as reliable as a brand new one./ … Dictionary of American idioms
secondhand — {adj.} Used; not new; preowned. * /Sometimes a secondhand car is just as reliable as a brand new one./ … Dictionary of American idioms
secondhand — adj Used; not new; preowned. Sometimes a secondhand car is just as reliable as a brand new one … Словарь американских идиом
car mart — / kɑ: mɑ:t/ noun US a secondhand car salesroom … Marketing dictionary in english
secondhand drinking — n. A negative effect that a drinker has on a non drinker. Example Citations: I am in favor of a smoking ban but not without something being done about a drinking ban. Yes, there is something valid about secondhand smoke, but look at the innocent… … New words
car — n. automobile, motorcar 1) to drive, operate a car 2) to bring a car to a stop; to stop a car 3) to back a car (she backed the car into the garage) 4) to ride in a car 5) to go, travel by car 6) to hire (BE), rent a car 7) to break in (AE), run… … Combinatory dictionary
secondhand — I adjective 1. derived from what is primary or original; not firsthand (Freq. 1) a secondhand report a secondhand account of a memory of something once read most of our knowledge is secondhand • Similar to: ↑secondary … Useful english dictionary
secondhand automobile — A used car. 47 Am J1st Sec H D § 11 … Ballentine's law dictionary