secondary role

secondary role
роль второго плана

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

Смотреть что такое "secondary role" в других словарях:

  • secondary role — second task, minor position …   English contemporary dictionary

  • secondary — sec|ond|ar|y [ sekən,deri ] adjective * 1. ) less important than something else: His feelings in the matter are of secondary importance. He only played a secondary role. secondary to: The color of the car is secondary to its quality and price. 2 …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • secondary */*/*/ — UK [ˈsekənd(ə)rɪ] / US [ˈsekənˌderɪ] adjective 1) relating to the education of children between the ages of 11 and 16 or 18 primary and secondary education secondary teachers/pupils 2) less important than something else His feelings in the matter …   English dictionary

  • secondary — adjective 1 secondary education/schooling/teaching etc the education, teaching etc of children between the ages of 11 and 16 2 not as important or urgent as something else: a secondary role | be of secondary importance/be a secondary… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Secondary education — is the stage of education following primary education. Secondary education includes the final stage of compulsory education and in many countries it is entirely compulsory. The next stage of education is usually college or university. Secondary… …   Wikipedia

  • Secondary education in Japan — is split into middle schools (中学校 chūgakkō ) which cover the seventh through ninth years, and high schools (高等学校 kōtōgakkō , abbreviated to 高校 kōkō ) which mostly cover years ten through twelve. Attendance in upper secondary school is not… …   Wikipedia

  • Secondary surveillance radar — SSR antenna of Deutsche Flugsicherung at Neubrandenburg, in Mecklenburg/Western Pomerania Secondary surveillance radar (SSR)[1] is a radar system used in air traffic control (ATC), that not only detects an …   Wikipedia

  • Secondary data — In research, Secondary data is collecting and possibly processing data by people other than the researcher in question. Common sources of secondary data for social science include censuses, large surveys, and organizational records (Mintel). In… …   Wikipedia

  • Secondary source — In library and information science, historiography and other areas of scholarship, a secondary source [ [ sources.html Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sources, UM Libraries] ] [… …   Wikipedia

  • Secondary Banking Crisis of 1973-75 — The Secondary Banking Crisis of 1973 75 was a dramatic crash in property prices in Great Britain which caused dozens of small ( secondary ) lending banks to be threatened with bankruptcy. CrisisThese secondary banks, like the larger institutions …   Wikipedia

  • role — n. 1) to assume, take (on) a role 2) to assign, hand out roles 3) to interpret; perform, play; understudy a role 4) an active; key; leading; passive; secondary; starring; supporting; title role 5) (misc.) cast in the role of * * * [rəʊl] hand out …   Combinatory dictionary

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