secondary echo
Смотреть что такое "secondary echo" в других словарях:
secondary echo — netiesioginis aidas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. indirect echo; secondary echo vok. indirektes Echo, n rus. отражённое эхо, n pranc. écho indirect, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
écho indirect — netiesioginis aidas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. indirect echo; secondary echo vok. indirektes Echo, n rus. отражённое эхо, n pranc. écho indirect, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Echo Park, Los Angeles, California — Echo Park is a neighborhood in Los Angeles northwest of downtown. According to the website Historic Echo Park the neighborhood has no official boundaries or borders. Generally, it is east and southeast of Silver Lake, north of Westlake/MacArthur… … Wikipedia
Echo cancellation — The term echo cancellation is used in telephony to describe the process of removing echo from a voice communication in order to improve voice quality on a telephone call. In addition to improving subjective quality, this process increases the… … Wikipedia
echo — n. & v. n. (pl. oes) 1 a the repetition of a sound by the reflection of sound waves. b the secondary sound produced. 2 a reflected radio or radar beam. 3 a close imitation or repetition of something already done. 4 a person who slavishly repeats… … Useful english dictionary
Echo — n. & v. n. (pl. oes) 1 a the repetition of a sound by the reflection of sound waves. b the secondary sound produced. 2 a reflected radio or radar beam. 3 a close imitation or repetition of something already done. 4 a person who slavishly repeats… … Useful english dictionary
echo bubble — n. A sharp but temporary rise in stock prices that follows the collapse of a recent stock market bubble. Example Citations: Given where tech stocks are at the moment wheezing at a red light after a 17 month romp where will they go from here? Will … New words
Secondary Surveillance Radar — Sekundärradar der Deutschen Flugsicherung (DFS) mit LVA Antenne (bei Neubrandenburg/ Mecklenburg Vorpommern) … Deutsch Wikipedia
indirect echo — netiesioginis aidas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. indirect echo; secondary echo vok. indirektes Echo, n rus. отражённое эхо, n pranc. écho indirect, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
indirektes Echo — netiesioginis aidas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. indirect echo; secondary echo vok. indirektes Echo, n rus. отражённое эхо, n pranc. écho indirect, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
List of secondary highways in Algoma District — This is a list of secondary highways in Algoma District, most of which serve as logging roads or provide access to isolated and sparsely populated areas in the Algoma District of northeastern Ontario, or . Contents 1 Highway 519 2 Highway 532 3… … Wikipedia