seasonal pattern

seasonal pattern
структура сезонных колебаний

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "seasonal pattern" в других словарях:

  • seasonal affective disorder — sea·son·al affective disorder .sēz ən əl n depression that tends to recur as the days grow shorter during the fall and winter abbr. SAD * * * (SAD) a cyclically recurring mood disorder characterized by depression, extreme lethargy, increased need …   Medical dictionary

  • Seasonal Attribution Project — The Seasonal Attribution Project is a sub project, with support from the WWF. It runs a high resolution model in order to try to determine the extent to which extreme weather events are attributable to human induced climate… …   Wikipedia

  • seasonal unemployment — noun A type of unemployment explained by a seasonal variation in the structure of jobs and/or labour offered. Seasonal unemployment typically repeats the same pattern annually …   Wiktionary

  • seasonal — Cyclic Cyc lic (s?k l?k or s? kl?k), Cyclical Cyc lic*al (s?k l? kal), a. [Cf. F. cycluque, Gr. kykliko s, fr. ky klos See {Cycle}.] 1. Of or pertaining to a cycle or circle; moving in cycles; as, cyclical time. Coleridge. [1913 Webster] 2.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • seasonal flow — /sizənəl ˈfloʊ/ (say seezuhnuhl floh) noun the pattern of water flow in a river, creek, etc., as it is regulated by a particular season in terms of frequency, magnitude, duration, etc …  

  • Climate pattern — A climate pattern is any recurring characteristic of the climate. Climate patterns can last tens of thousands of years, like the glacial and interglacial periods within ice ages, or repeat each year, like monsoons.[1] A climate pattern may come… …   Wikipedia

  • exploitation pattern — the distribution of fishing mortality over the age or length composition of the fish population, determined by the type of fishing gear, area and seasonal distribution of fishing, and the growth and migration of the fish. The pattern can be… …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • exploitation pattern — The distribution of fishing mortality over the age composition of the fish population, determined by the type of fishing gear, area and seasonal distribution of fishing, and the growth and migration of the fish. The pattern can be changed by… …   Fisheries — dictionary

  • exploitation pattern — The distribution of fishing mortality over the age composition of the fish population, determined by the type of fishing gear, area and seasonal distribution of fishing, and the growth and migration of the fish. The pattern can be changed by… …   Fisheries — dictionary

  • Transhumance — is a term with two accepted usages: * Older sources use transhumance for vertical seasonal livestock movement, typically to higher pastures in summer and to lower valleys in winter. Herders have a permanent home, typically in valleys. Only herds… …   Wikipedia

  • France — /frans, frahns/; Fr. /frddahonns/, n. 1. Anatole /ann nann tawl /, (Jacques Anatole Thibault), 1844 1924, French novelist and essayist: Nobel prize 1921. 2. a republic in W Europe. 58,470,421; 212,736 sq. mi. (550,985 sq. km). Cap.: Paris. 3.… …   Universalium

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