

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sea-plane" в других словарях:

  • sea|plane — «SEE PLAYN», noun. 1. an airplane that can rise from and alight on water, especially one which has floats; hydroplane. 2. an airplane that can take off from or land on either land or water; amphibian …   Useful english dictionary

  • sea·plane — /ˈsiːˌpleın/ noun, pl planes [count] : an airplane that can take off from and land on water …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sea Launch — is a spacecraft launch service that uses a mobile sea platform for equatorial launches of commercial payloads on specialized Zenit 3SL rockets. As of July 2008 it had assembled and launched 28 rockets with two failures and one partial failure.The …   Wikipedia

  • sea level — sea′ lev el n. geo oce the horizontal plane corresponding to the surface of the sea at mean level between high and low tide • Etymology: 1800–10 …   From formal English to slang

  • Plane (Dungeons & Dragons) — Ethereal plane redirects here. For the mystical concept, see Etheric plane. The planes of the Dungeons Dragons roleplaying game constitutes the multiverse in which the game takes place. In the earliest versions of Dungeons Dragons, the concept of …   Wikipedia

  • plane — Synonyms and related words: aeroplane, aircraft, airliner, airplane, alabaster, amount, aspire, avion, beading plane, become airborne, bench plane, billiard table, block plane, bowling alley, bowling green, caliber, capping plane, claw skyward,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Plane guard — The plane guard is a warship (commonly a destroyer or frigate) or helicopter tasked to recover the aircrew of planes or helicopters which ditch or crash in the water during aircraft carrier flight operations. Ships performing this task are… …   Wikipedia

  • SEA IV — The SEA IV was a French two seat military aircraft of World War I and the immediate post war era.DevelopmentThe SEA IV was designed and built in 1917 by Henry Potez, Louis Coroller, and Marcel Bloch. It was a derivative of their previous SEA II… …   Wikipedia

  • Plane (Magic: The Gathering) — In Magic: The Gathering, planes are parallel universes in the Multiverse (which used to be referred to as Dominia.) Planes are often confused with planets by Magic players, because most planes are named after their primary planets. The two main… …   Wikipedia

  • Sea Shepherd Conservation Society operations — A variation of the flag used by the group. Main article: Sea Shepherd Conservation Society The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society engages in various demonstrations, campaigns, and tactical operations at sea and elsewhere, including conventional… …   Wikipedia

  • Sea caves — A sea cave, also known as a littoral cave, is a type of cave formed primarily by the wave action of the sea. The primary process involved is erosion. Sea caves are found throughout the world, actively forming along present coastlines and as… …   Wikipedia

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