sea-line — [ silajn ] n. m. • 1950; mot angl., de sea « mer » et (pipe)line ♦ Anglic. Techn. Canalisation en partie sous marine pour le transport des hydrocarbures. Des sea lines. ● sea line, sea lines nom masculin (anglais sea line, de sea, mer, et pipe… … Encyclopédie Universelle
sea line — noun 1. : a sea outline (as the horizon or coastline) 2. : a line used in the sea (as for sounding or deepwater fishing) * * * sea line, 1. the horizon at sea; line where sea and sky seem to meet. 2. a long line for fishing in deep water … Useful english dictionary
Sea Line Beach Resorts — (Cherai Beach,Индия) Категория отеля: 2 звездочный отель Адрес: Vypin Island … Каталог отелей
sea line — visual location where the sea meets the sky, horizon of the sea … English contemporary dictionary
sea-line — … Useful english dictionary
Sea Lion Woman — (also Sea Line Woman , See [the] Lyin Woman or C Line Woman ) is a traditional American folk song. The exact origins of See Line Woman are unknown but it is believed to have originated in the southern United States. It was first recorded by… … Wikipedia
sea-lines — ● sea line, sea lines nom masculin (anglais sea line, de sea, mer, et pipe line) Canalisation sous marine servant au transport des hydrocarbures … Encyclopédie Universelle
Sea lion (disambiguation) — Sea lion may refer to:In biology: *Sea Lion, an animal generally found in shallow waters.In music: * Sea Lion (album), the second studio album by New Zealand based indie rock band The Ruby Suns *Sea Lion Woman (also known as Sea line Woman and… … Wikipedia
Sea Wolf (arcade game) — Infobox VG title= Sea Wolf caption= developer= Midway Mfg. distributor= Midway Mfg. released= North America 1976 genre= Military, Shooter platforms=Arcade input= Periscope with fire buttons cabinet= standard cpu= Intel 8080 sound= Amplified Mono… … Wikipedia
Line of communication — A line of communication (or communications) is the route that connects an operating military unit with its supply base. Supplies and reinforcements are transported along the line of communication, therefore a secure and open line of communication … Wikipedia
-line — off line pipe line sea line … Dictionnaire des rimes