sea steps
Смотреть что такое "sea steps" в других словарях:
sea steps — noun (nautical) ladder to be lowered over a ship s side for coming aboard • Syn: ↑sea ladder • Topics: ↑seafaring, ↑navigation, ↑sailing • Hypernyms: ↑ladder … Useful english dictionary
sea ladder — noun (nautical) ladder to be lowered over a ship s side for coming aboard • Syn: ↑sea steps • Topics: ↑seafaring, ↑navigation, ↑sailing • Hypernyms: ↑ladder … Useful english dictionary
Sea Launch — is a spacecraft launch service that uses a mobile sea platform for equatorial launches of commercial payloads on specialized Zenit 3SL rockets. As of July 2008 it had assembled and launched 28 rockets with two failures and one partial failure.The … Wikipedia
Sea Launch — ist ein Raumfahrt Unternehmen, das Raketenstarts von einer speziell adaptierten Bohrplattform in Äquatornähe vermarktet. Gestartet wird mit Zenit 3SL Trägerraketen, einer Zenit 2 mit Block DM Oberstufe und einigen Modifikationen für den Start von … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sea-Launch — ist ein internationales Raumfahrt Konsortium, das Zenit Trägerraketen von einer speziell adaptierten Bohrplattform in Äquatornähe startet, um Satelliten mit einer Masse von bis zu sechs Tonnen in einen Geotransferorbit (GTO) zu befördern. An dem… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sea Club Resort Fort Lauderdale (Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood) — Sea Club Resort Fort Lauderdale country: United States, city: Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood (Fort Lauderdale) Sea Club Resort Fort Lauderdale The Sea Club Resort is just steps away from a tropical beach paradise. Experience Fort Lauderdale s many… … International hotels
sea step — sea step, one of a set of narrow steps on the side of a ship, used in going on board from a boat when the side ladders are unshipped … Useful english dictionary
Sea organ — For the similar device in San Francisco, California, see Wave Organ. For the device in Blackpool, UK, see Blackpool High Tide Organ. Sea organ in scaled form the sound emerges from the holes along the top step The Sea organ is an architectural… … Wikipedia
Sea of Japan — Japanese name … Wikipedia
Sea urchin — Taxobox name = Sea urchin image width = 250px image caption = Sea urchins, Sterechinus neumayeri regnum = Animalia phylum = Echinodermata subphylum = Echinozoa classis = Echinoidea classis authority=Leske, 1778 subdivision ranks = Subclasses… … Wikipedia
Sea Dragon (rocket) — [ thumb|Sea Dragon internal and external views. Both show the ballast tank attached to the first stage engine bell. An Apollo CSM like spacecraft is mounted on top.] The Sea Dragon was a 1962 design study for a fully reusable two stage sea… … Wikipedia