Смотреть что такое "scyphi" в других словарях:
Scyphi — Scyphus Scy phus, n.; pl. {Scyphi}. [L., a cup, Gr. sky fos.] 1. (Antiq.) A kind of large drinking cup, used by Greeks and Romans, esp. by poor folk. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) (a) The cup of a narcissus, or a similar appendage to the corolla in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
scyphi- — a combining form representing scyphus in compound words: scyphiform. Also, scyph , scypho . * * * … Universalium
scyphi- — combining form see scyph … Useful english dictionary
POCULUM — I. POCULUM primo vola fuit, quod Diogenes non erubuit didicisse, a quodam, quem cavâ manu exceptam auqam oriadmovere vidit, abiectô hinc vasculo suô potoriô, tamquam supellectile non necessariâ, eius simplicitatem in posterum imitaturus. Verum… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Furietti Centaurs — … Wikipedia
Berthouville Treasure — The Berthouville treasure is a hoard of Roman silver uncovered by ploughing in March 1830 [The 21 March, by Prosper Taurin, according to Auguste Le Prévost, who had been born nearby at Bernay (Prévost, Mémoire sur la collection de vases antiques… … Wikipedia
scypha — Scyphus Scy phus, n.; pl. {Scyphi}. [L., a cup, Gr. sky fos.] 1. (Antiq.) A kind of large drinking cup, used by Greeks and Romans, esp. by poor folk. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) (a) The cup of a narcissus, or a similar appendage to the corolla in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Scyphus — Scy phus, n.; pl. {Scyphi}. [L., a cup, Gr. sky fos.] 1. (Antiq.) A kind of large drinking cup, used by Greeks and Romans, esp. by poor folk. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) (a) The cup of a narcissus, or a similar appendage to the corolla in other… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Schatz von Berthouville — Der Schatz von Berthouville ist ein Fund silberner Artefakte aus dem 2. Jahrhundert, der 1830 in Villeret (Canetonum) in der Nähe von Berthouville im Département Eure in der Haute Normandie entdeckt wurde und heute in Paris in der Bibliothèque… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Trésor de Berthouville — 49° 10′ 24″ N 0° 37′ 17″ E / 49.1733, 0.621389 … Wikipédia en Français
scyphiform — /suy feuh fawrm /, adj. Bot. shaped like a cup or goblet. [1870 75; SCYPHI + FORM] * * * … Universalium