Смотреть что такое "scurrying" в других словарях:
scurrying — adjective moving with great haste (Freq. 2) affection for this hurrying driving...little man lashed the scurrying horses • Syn: ↑hurrying • Similar to: ↑fast … Useful english dictionary
scurrying — scur·ry || skÉœrɪ / skÊŒrɪ n. quick run or movement, scamper, scuttle v. scamper, run or move quickly, scuttle … English contemporary dictionary
Norfolk Island scurrying bat — norfolkinis raukšlėtalūpis šikšnosparnis statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Mormopterus norfolkensis angl. eastern little mastiff bat; Norfolk Island scurrying bat rus. норфолский складчатогуб ryšiai:… … Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas
Маркетинг услуг — отрасль современного маркетинга, научная дисциплина, изучающая особенности маркетинговой деятельности организаций, вовлеченных в предоставление услуг. Содержание 1 Стадии развития маркетинга услуг за рубежом … Википедия
scurry — [[t]skʌ̱ri, AM skɜ͟ːri[/t]] scurries, scurrying, scurried 1) VERB When people or small animals scurry somewhere, they move there quickly and hurriedly, especially because they are frightened. [WRITTEN] [V prep/adv] The attack began, sending… … English dictionary
“Rats in the Walls, The“ — Short story (7,940 words); written late August or early September 1923. First published in WT(March 1924); rpt. WT (June 1930); first collected in O; corrected text in DH;annotated version in An1and CC A Virginian of British ancestry, a man … An H.P.Lovecraft encyclopedia
Violin Sonata No. 1 (Schumann) — The violin sonata no. 1 in A minor, opus 105 of Robert Schumann was written the week of September 12 ndash; 16 September, 1851. Schumann was reported to have expressed displeasure with the work ( quot;I did not like the first Sonata for Violin… … Wikipedia
scurry — /skerr ee, skur ee/, v., scurried, scurrying, n., pl. scurries. v.i. 1. to go or move quickly or in haste. v.t. 2. to send hurrying along. n. 3. a scurrying rush: the scurry of little feet on the stairs. 4. a short run or race. [1800 10;… … Universalium
tennis — /ten is/, n. a game played on a rectangular court by two players or two pairs of players equipped with rackets, in which a ball is driven back and forth over a low net that divides the court in half. Cf. lawn tennis. See illus. under racket2.… … Universalium
scurry — scur|ry [ˈskʌri US ˈskə:ri] v past tense and past participle scurried present participle scurrying third person singular scurries [I always + adverb/preposition] [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: hurry scurry (18 20 centuries), from hurry] to move… … Dictionary of contemporary English
scuttle — {vb Scuttle, scurry, scamper, skedaddle, sprint are comparable when they mean to move briskly by or as if by running. Scuttle, scurry, and scamper all imply a rapid erratic progress of or as if of a small active animal but each may carry quite… … New Dictionary of Synonyms