Смотреть что такое "sculls" в других словарях:
sculls — skÊŒl n. small narrow racing boat rowed by one to four people; single oar located at the stern of a boat; one of two oars used by one person v. row a boat, propel a boat with oars … English contemporary dictionary
sculls — a race between boats in which each participant uses a pair of oars. → scull … English new terms dictionary
Diamond Challenge Sculls — The Diamond Challenge Sculls trophy (centre in wooden case) The Diamond Challenge Sculls is a rowing event for men s single sculls at the annual Henley Royal Regatta on the River Thames at Henley on Thames in England. First run in 1844, it is… … Wikipedia
Double Sculls Challenge Cup — The Double Sculls Challenge Cup is a rowing event for men s double sculls at the annual Henley Royal Regatta on the River Thames at Henley on Thames in England. It is open to male crews from all eligible rowing clubs. Two clubs may combine to… … Wikipedia
The Wingfield Sculls — is a rowing race held annually on the River Thames in London, England, on the 4¼ mile (6.8 km) Championship Course from Putney to Mortlake.The race is between single scullers and is for the amateur sculling championship of the Thames and Great… … Wikipedia
(the) Diamond Sculls — the Diamond Sculls [the Diamond Sculls] a rowing race for single ↑sculls (= boats rowed by a single person) that takes place every year at ↑Henley in early July. The first of these races was in 1844 and it is now the most important international… … Useful english dictionary
Rowing at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's single sculls — The single sculls was one of the competitions in the Rowing at the 1900 Summer Olympics events in Paris. It was held on 25 August and 26 August 1900. 12 athletes from 4 nations competed. Four preliminary heats, two semifinals, and a final were… … Wikipedia
Rowing at the 2008 Summer Olympics - Women's lightweight double sculls — Women s lightweight double sculls competition at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing was held between August 10 and 17 at the Shunyi Olympic Rowing Canoeing Park.This rowing event is a double sculls event, meaning that each boat is propelled by a … Wikipedia
double sculls — a race for sculls rowed by two rowers, each using a pair of oars. Cf. single sculls. * * * … Universalium
single sculls — a race for sculls each rowed by one oarsman using a pair of oars. Cf. double sculls. * * * … Universalium
double sculls — a race for sculls rowed by two rowers, each using a pair of oars. Cf. single sculls … Useful english dictionary