
ˈskru:ɪ прил.
1) сл. а) сумасшедший, ненормальный, 'чокнутый', безумный Syn : crazy
2. , insane, mad
1. б) странный, нелепый, эксцентричный Syn : strange, odd
1. , eccentric
1. , absurd
1. , unusual, freak I
2) жадный, скупой, скаредный (о человеке) Syn : mean I, stingy, close-fisted, tight-fisted
3) сл.;
редк. подвыпивший Syn : tipsy (сленг) не в своем уме, чокнутый (сленг) странный, подозрительный - that looks * to me мне кажется это подозрительным - there is something * about the matter что-то здесь нечисто прижимистый, скупой чудной, экстравагантный (редкое) подвыпивший, навеселе (редкое) с изъяномлошади) screwy a sl. ненормальный, "чокнутый" ~ подозрительный, странный ~ прижимистый, скупой ~ a sl. пьяный

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "screwy" в других словарях:

  • screwy — [adj] eccentric abnormal, batty, bizarre, crazy, daft, dotty, far out*, flaky, funky*, irregular, kooky, mad, nutty, odd, oddball, offbeat, off center, off the wall*, out in left field*, outlandish, peculiar, queer, quirky, strange, uncommon,… …   New thesaurus

  • screwy — ► ADJECTIVE (screwier, screwiest) informal, chiefly N. Amer. ▪ rather odd or eccentric …   English terms dictionary

  • screwy — [skro͞o′ē] adj. screwier, screwiest Slang ☆ 1. mentally unbalanced; crazy ☆ 2. peculiar, eccentric, or odd in a confusing way screwiness n …   English World dictionary

  • screwy — 1. mod. crazy. □ I’ve never heard such a screwy idea. □ It’s really screwy. □ That’s the screwiest looking hat I’ve ever seen. 2. mod. alcohol intoxicated. □ …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • screwy — /skrooh ee/, adj., screwier, screwiest. Slang. 1. crazy; nutty: I think you re screwy, refusing an invitation to the governor s dinner. 2. disconcertingly strange: There s something screwy about his story. 3. absurdly peculiar or impractical;… …   Universalium

  • screwy — adjective informal an idea, plan, etc that is screwy seems strange or crazy: The whole thing sounds pretty screwy to me! …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • screwy — UK [ˈskruːɪ] / US [ˈskruɪ] adjective Word forms screwy : adjective screwy comparative screwier superlative screwiest informal strange, or unusual. This word is sometimes used in an insulting way …   English dictionary

  • screwy — adjective /ˈskɹuː.i/ a) Crazy; silly; ridiculous; insane; demented; unreasonable. Thats a screwy idea; I am not going to fly all the way to Antarctica just to see a penguin! b) Tipsy; slightly drunk. See Also …   Wiktionary

  • screwy — screw|y [ˈskru:i] adj informal an idea or plan that is screwy seems very strange or crazy …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Screwy Squirrel — Screwball Screwy Squirrel is a cartoon character, an anthropomorphic squirrel created by Tex Avery for Metro Goldwyn Mayer, generally considered the wackiest of the screwball cartoon characters of the 1940s, who include Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck,… …   Wikipedia

  • screwy — adjective (screwier; est) Date: 1887 1. crazily absurd, eccentric, or unusual 2. crazy, insane • screwiness noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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