screen cache
Смотреть что такое "screen cache" в других словарях:
screen — [n] protection used in or as furniture, motion picture display awning, canopy, cloak, concealment, cover, covering, curtain, divider, envelope, guard, hedge, mantle, mask, net, partition, security, shade, shelter, shield, shroud, veil; concepts… … New thesaurus
cache — [n] hidden supply accumulation, assets, drop, drop joint, drop off, fund, hideout, hiding place, hoard, kitty*, nest egg*, plant, repository, reserve, shade, stake, stash, stockpile, store, storehouse, supplies, treasure, treasury, wealth;… … New thesaurus
cache — vb secrete, bury, *hide, conceal, ensconce, screen Contrasted words: expose, exhibit, display, *show: unearth, *discover … New Dictionary of Synonyms
screen — vb *hide, conceal, secrete, cache, bury, ensconce Analogous words: *defend, protect, shield, guard, safeguard: *disguise, dissemble, cloak, mask, camouflage … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Screen-Scraping — Der Begriff Screen Scraping (engl., etwa: „Bildschirm auskratzen“) umfasst generell alle Verfahren zum Auslesen von Texten aus Computerbildschirmen. Gegenwärtig wird der Ausdruck jedoch beinahe ausschließlich in Bezug auf Webseiten verwendet… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Screen Scraping — Der Begriff Screen Scraping (engl., etwa: „Bildschirm auskratzen“) umfasst generell alle Verfahren zum Auslesen von Texten aus Computerbildschirmen. Gegenwärtig wird der Ausdruck jedoch beinahe ausschließlich in Bezug auf Webseiten verwendet… … Deutsch Wikipedia
cache, hide, stash — As a noun cache means a hiding place, and as a verb it means to conceal : The Joneses placed their silverware in a cache upstairs. You had better cache that money somewhere so that it won t be discovered. Hide, the most commonly used of these… … Dictionary of problem words and expressions
screen — n 1. partition, (in a church) parclose, divider, room divider, dividing wall wall, separatrix; barrier, fence, hedge; grate, grating, lattice, latticework; screening, wire mesh, mesh, netting, net; gauze, scrim, cheesecloth, sheer, curtain; shade … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Star Screen Award Jodi No.1 — Cette page a été supprimée. Le journal des suppressions et des déplacements est affiché ci dessous pour référence. 28 septembre 2009 à 12:11 Néfermaât (discuter | contributions) a supprimé « Star Screen Award Jodi No.1 » (Page blanchie par un… … Wikipédia en Français
Title screen (video games) — A title screen is the initial screen of a computer, video, or arcade game after the credits and logos are displayed of the game developer and game publisher. Earlier title screens often included all the game options available (single player,… … Wikipedia
Blue Screen of Death — Écran bleu de la mort Un écran bleu sur un téléphone public. L écran bleu de la mort aussi abrégé BSoD de l anglais Blue Screen of Death se réfère à l écran affiché par le système d exploitation Microsoft Windows lorsqu il ne peut plus récupérer… … Wikipédia en Français