- scratch tester
- прибор для определения твердости царапанием
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Scratch tester — The scratch tester One of the basic requirements of a coating if it is going to improve the surface propertiesof a tool or component is adhesion. The scratch tester is a common method of testing the adhesion of coatings to substrates.The scratch… … Wikipedia
Calo tester — Coatings with thicknesses typically between 0.1 to 50 micrometres such as PVD coatings or CVD coatings are used in many industries to improve the surface properties of tools and components. The Calo tester is a quick, simple and inexpensive piece … Wikipedia
WET Web Tester — [ [http://wet.qantom.org Commercial Grade Web Automation Testing offering an Opensource alternative to Quicktest and Silktest ] ] is a web testing tool that drives an IE Browser directly and so the automated testing done is equivalent to how a… … Wikipedia
Pin on disc tribometer — A pin on disc tribometer is the standard equipment used to determine the sliding friction coefficient and wear resistance of surfaces. The tester consists of a stationary pin under an applied load in contact with a rotating disc.Either the pin or … Wikipedia
Physical vapor deposition — (PVD) is a variety of vacuum deposition and is a general term used to describe any of a variety of methods to deposit thin films by the condensation of a vaporized form of the material onto various surfaces (e.g., onto semiconductor wafers). The… … Wikipedia
Adhesion — is the tendency of certain dissimilar molecules to cling together due to attractive forces.Mechanisms of adhesionFive mechanisms have been proposed to explain why one material sticks to another:Mechanical adhesionAdhesive materials fill the voids … Wikipedia
царапание на микро-/наномасштабном уровне — Термин царапание на микро /наномасштабном уровне Термин на английском Micro/nanoscale Scratching Синонимы склерометрия Аббревиатуры Связанные термины Определение процесс измерения твердости методами царапания различных материалов и покрытий при… … Энциклопедический словарь нанотехнологий
Hardness — This article is about mechanical properties of materials. For other uses, see Hard. Hardness is the measure of how resistant solid matter is to various kinds of permanent shape change when a force is applied. Macroscopic hardness is generally… … Wikipedia
Trek Bicycle Corporation — Pour les articles homophones, voir Trec, TREC et Trec h. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Trek (homonymie) … Wikipédia en Français
Хронология альтернативного рока — Содержание 1 1970 е 1.1 1979 2 1980 е 2.1 1980 2.2 1981 2.3 … Википедия
Sébastien Loeb — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Loeb. Sébastien Loeb Sébastien Loeb lors du rallye d Australie 2009 … Wikipédia en Français