Смотреть что такое "scramjet" в других словарях:
Scramjet — Part of a series on Aircraft propulsion Shaft engines (to drive pr … Wikipedia
scramjet — ☆ scramjet [skram′jet΄ ] n. [s(upersonic) c(ombustion) ramjet] a high altitude ramjet designed for speeds exceeding Mach 6 … English World dictionary
Scramjet — X 43A con un motor scramjet acoplado en la parte inferior. El estatorreactor de combustión supersónica, más conocido por su nombre en inglés scramjet,[1] es una variación de un estatorreactor con la distinción de q … Wikipedia Español
Scramjet — Von einem Staustrahltriebwerk angetriebener Flugkörper der NASA. Triebwerkstests in den USA 2002. Ein Staustrahltriebwerk (engl. Ramjet, als Überschallausführung Scramj … Deutsch Wikipedia
Scramjet — Экспериментальный гиперзвуковой летательный аппарат X 43 (рисунок художника). «Гиперзвуковой двигатель» (англ. Supersonic Combustion RAMJET scramjet) вариант Прямоточного Воздушно Реактивного Двигателя («ПВРД»), который отличается от обычного… … Википедия
Scramjet — Superstato Articles principaux : Propulsion des aéronefs et Moteur à réaction. Le superstato ou statoréacteur à combustion supersonique (scramjet pour supersonic combustion ramjet en anglais) est une évolution du statoréacteur, système de… … Wikipédia en Français
Scramjet programs — This page describes a number of research and testing programs for the development of supersonic combustion ramjets (scramjets) Many of these programs have their own pages, but an attempt is made here to provide a short overview of a large number… … Wikipedia
scramjet — /skram jet /, n. Aeron. a ramjet engine in which the flow through the combustor itself is supersonic. [1965 70; s(upersonic) c(ombustion) ramjet] * * * … Universalium
scramjet — noun A jet engine capable of propelling an aircraft at hypersonic speeds; combustion of the fuel/air mixture occurs at supersonic speeds See Also: pulsejet, turbojet … Wiktionary
SCRAMJet — Supersonic Combustion Ramjet Contributor: MSFC … NASA Acronyms
SCRAMJET — Supersonic Combustion Ramjet Contributor: CASI … NASA Acronyms