scour mat

scour mat
(защитное) покрытие от размыва

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "scour mat" в других словарях:

  • course — Synonyms and related words: Brownian movement, Indian file, MO, Zeitgeist, academic specialty, act, adit, advance, advancement, advancing, affluence, afflux, affluxion, agora, aim, air lane, algorithm, ambit, amphitheater, angular motion,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • range — Synonyms and related words: Alps, Andes, Caucasus, Himalayas, Indian file, Rockies, adjust, aesthetic distance, agora, aim, air transport, air travel, airfreight, align, allocate, allot, alphabetize, alps on alps, ambit, amount, amphitheater,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • ER — ER; ab·er·deen; ab·er·do·ni·an; ab·er·rant; ac·cel·er·ate; ag·glom·er·ate; al·lit·er·ate; al·to·geth·er; an·oth·er; an·ti·cho·lin·er·gic; ap·er; ap·prov·er; av·er·age; back·er; back·hand·er; badg·er; bail·er; bark·er; bar·ri·er; bast·er; beak·er; …   English syllables

  • Montebello, New York — Montebello   Village   Location of village within the town of Ramapo and Rockland County, New …   Wikipedia

  • English-language vowel changes before historic r — In the phonological history of the English language, vowels followed (or formerly followed) by the phoneme /r/ have undergone a number of phonological changes. In recent centuries, most or all of these changes have involved merging of vowel… …   Wikipedia

  • Brussels Barbarians — Rugby team teamname = Brussels Barbarians fullname = Brussels Barbarians Rugby Football Club nickname = The Baba s founded = 1968 ground = The Elephant pitch president = Stuart Dowsett league = Belgian Elite League season = 2005 06 position = 6th …   Wikipedia

  • Burgsvik beds — The Burgsvik beds are a sequence of shallow marine limestones and sandstones found near the town of Burgsvik in the southern part of Gotland, Sweden. The beds were deposited in the Upper Silurian period, around Ma|420, in warm, equatorial waters… …   Wikipedia

  • mop — Synonyms and related words: baptize, bath, bathe, crop, douche, fleece, flush, flush out, gargle, grimace, head, head of hair, holystone, irrigate, lather, launder, lave, locks, make a face, make a mouth, mane, mat, mop and mow, mop up, mouth,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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