scoring scale
Смотреть что такое "scoring scale" в других словарях:
Scoring the Hales — is the name of a large scale shrovetide football match played yearly in Alnwick, Northumberland. Once a street contest, it has now moved to a field named The Pasture across the River Aln from Alnwick Castle. The match involves about 150 men on… … Wikipedia
Scoring-System — Ein Scoring System dient der Klassifizierung von Krankheitsbildern oder Verletzungsmustern. Die diversen Scoring Systeme werden in der Medizin eingesetzt, um Diagnosen zu stellen und den Patientenzustand in einheitlicher Nomenklatur beschreiben… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Scoring-Systeme — Ein Scoring System dient der Klassifizierung von Krankheitsbildern oder Verletzungsmustern. Die diversen Scoring Systeme werden in der Medizin eingesetzt, um Diagnosen zu stellen und den Patientenzustand in einheitlicher Nomenklatur beschreiben… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Scale (social sciences) — In the social sciences, scaling is the process of measuring or ordering entities with respect to quantitative attributes or traits. For example, a scaling technique might involve estimating individuals levels of extraversion, or the perceived… … Wikipedia
scoring system — any of various methods in which the application of an agreed numerical scale is used as a means of estimating the degree of a clinical situation, e.g. the severity of an injury, the degree of patient recovery, or the extent of malignancy.… … Medical dictionary
scoring system — any of various methods in which the application of an agreed numerical scale is used as a means of estimating the degree of a clinical situation, e.g. the severity of an injury, the degree of patient recovery, or the extent of malignancy.… … The new mediacal dictionary
Conflict tactics scale — The conflict tactics scale (CTS), created by Murray A. Straus in 1979,[1] is the most widely used research method for identifying intimate partner violence. There are two versions of the CTS, the CTS2 and CTSPC.[2][3][4] As of 2005,[5] the CTS… … Wikipedia
Geriatric Depression Scale — The Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) is a 30 item self report assessment used to identify depression in the elderly.DescriptionThe GDS questions are answered yes or no , instead of a five category response set. This simplicity enables the scale… … Wikipedia
Guttman scale — In statistical surveys conducted by means of structured interviews or questionnaires, a subset of the survey items having binary (e.g., YES or NO) answers forms a Guttman scale (named after Louis Guttman) if they can be ranked in some order so… … Wikipedia
Glasgow Coma Scale — Die Glasgow Coma Scale oder Glasgow Koma Skala (GCS) ist eine einfache Skala zur Abschätzung einer Bewusstseinsstörung. Obwohl sie häufig in der Intensivmedizin insbesondere nach einer Schädel Hirn Verletzung (Trauma) verwendet wird,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Likert scale — A Likert scale (pronunciation in the field of Psychology varies between lick urt and lie kurt , although the man for whom the scale is named used the former [ [ I have always restricted the use … Wikipedia