Смотреть что такое "scopolamine" в других словарях:
Scopolamine — Systematic (IUPAC) name (–) (S) 3 hydroxy 2 pheny … Wikipedia
SCOPOLAMINE — Alcaloïde de formule brute C17H214N, extrait des racines de Scopolia atropoides et de nombreuses autres plantes de la famille des solanacées: jusquiame noire, daturas (surtout Datura metel ) et belladone. On trouve ces plantes à l’état sauvage ou … Encyclopédie Universelle
Scopolamine — Structure de la scopolamine Général Nom IUPAC (–) (1S,3S,5R,6R,7S,8S) 6,7 ép … Wikipédia en Français
scopolamine — [skō päl′ə mēn΄, skō päl′əmin] n. [Ger scopolamin < ModL Scopolia, genus of plants in which the alkaloid appears (after G. A. Scopoli (1723 88), of Pavia, Italy) + Ger amin, AMINE] an alkaloid, C17H21NO4, obtained from various plants of the… … English World dictionary
Scopolamine — A venerable drug that is a naturally occurring member of a large chemical class of compounds called alkaloids. Scopolamine was first introduced into medical usage in 1902. The name comes from that of the 18th century Italian naturalist Giovanni… … Medical dictionary
scopolamine — /skeuh pol euh meen , min, skoh peuh lam in/, n. Pharm. a colorless, syrupy, water soluble alkaloid, C17H21NO4, obtained from certain plants of the nightshade family, used chiefly as a sedative and mydriatic and to alleviate the symptoms of… … Universalium
scopolamine hydrobromide — [USP] the trihydrate salt of scopolamine, used as an antisialagogue preanesthetic medication and as an adjunct to general anesthesia, administered parenterally; as an antiemetic, administered orally or parenterally; and as a cycloplegic and… … Medical dictionary
scopolamine — noun Etymology: German Scopolamin, from New Latin Scopolia, genus of plants + German Amin amine Date: 1892 a poisonous alkaloid C17H21NO4 similar to atropine that is found in various solanaceous plants and is used for its anticholinergic effects… … New Collegiate Dictionary
scopolamine — (= hyoscine) Alkaloid found in thorn apple ( Datura stramonium ). Related to atropine both in effects and structure and acts as a muscarinic acetylcholine receptorantagonist … Dictionary of molecular biology
scopolamine — noun A tropane alkaloid obtained from plants of the nightshade family, used as a sedative, to treat nausea and to dilate the pupils for ophthalmic examination … Wiktionary
scopolamine — n. poisonous alkaloid substance derived from some types of plants (refined and used as a medication) … English contemporary dictionary