scope of a contract

scope of a contract
объем обязательств по контракту

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "scope of a contract" в других словарях:

  • contract — [kän′trakt΄] for n. & usually for vt.1 & vi.1 [; kən trakt′] for v. generally n. [OFr < L contractus, pp. of contrahere, to draw together, make a bargain < com , together + trahere, to DRAW] 1. an agreement between two or more people to do… …   English World dictionary

  • Contract — law …   Wikipedia

  • contract — contractee, n. contractible, adj. contractibility, contractibleness, n. contractibly, adv. n., adj., and usu. for v. 16 18, 22, 23 /kon trakt/; otherwise v. /keuhn trakt /, n. 1. an agreement between two or more parties for the doing or not doing …   Universalium

  • contract — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French, from Latin contractus, from contrahere to draw together, make a contract, reduce in size, from com + trahere to draw Date: 14th century 1. a. a binding agreement between two or more persons or …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • contract — noun /ˈkɒntrækt / (say kontrakt) 1. an agreement between two or more parties for the doing or not doing of some definite thing. 2. an agreement enforceable by law. 3. the writing containing such an agreement. 4. (plural) → contract law. 5. the… …  

  • contract practice — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun : medical service furnished by a physician or group of physicians to a group or class of individuals under an agreement (as with an industrial plant or a fraternal organization) that specifies the scope of the services to be… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Government contract — Contracting with the U.S. Government is based on many of the same principles as commercial contracting andcan be very profitable, but is sufficiently different from commercial contracting to require special care.Persons entering into commercial… …   Wikipedia

  • obligation of a contract — That which the law in force when contract is made obliges parties to do or not to do, and the remedy and legal means to carry it into effect. The obligation of a contract is the duty of performance. The term includes everything within the… …   Black's law dictionary

  • South African contract law — is essentially a modernised version of the Roman Dutch law of contract, [1] which is itself rooted in Roman law. In the broadest definition, a contract is an agreement entered into by two or more parties with the serious intention of creating a… …   Wikipedia

  • Employment contract in English law — An employment contract in English law is a specific kind of contract whereby one person performs work under the direction of another. The two main features of a contract is that work is exchanged for a wage, and that one party stands in a… …   Wikipedia

  • cost-plus a fixed-fee contract — A cost reimbursement type contract that provides for the payment of a fixed fee to the contractor. The fixed fee, once negotiated, does not vary with actual cost but may be adjusted as a result of any subsequent changes in the scope of work or… …   Military dictionary

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