scope change

scope change
изменение объема проекта;
изменение объема

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "scope change" в других словарях:

  • Scope creep — (also called focus creep, requirement creep, feature creep, and sometimes kitchen sink syndrome) in project management refers to uncontrolled changes in a project s scope. This phenomenon can occur when the scope of a project is not properly… …   Wikipedia

  • Scope Statement — Scope statements may take many forms depending on the type of project being implemented and the nature of the organization. The scope statement details the project deliverables and describes the major objectives. The objectives should include… …   Wikipedia

  • Change Management (ITSM) — Change Management is an IT Service Management discipline. The objective of Change Management in this context is to ensure that standardized methods and procedures are used for efficient and prompt handling of all changes to controlled IT… …   Wikipedia

  • change — vb Change, alter, vary, modify (and their corresponding nouns change, alteration, variation, modification) are comparable when denoting to make or become different (or when denoting a difference effected). Change and alter are sometimes… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Change impact analysis — (IA) is defined by Bohner and Arnold[1] as identifying the potential consequences of a change, or estimating what needs to be modified to accomplish a change , and they focus on IA in terms of scoping changes within the details of a design. In… …   Wikipedia

  • change procedure — a procedure or procedures in the project agreement for effecting variations (either mandatory or voluntary) to the physical facilities or the level or scope of services. Following publication of SoPC4, also known as the change protocol. Practical …   Law dictionary

  • Scope (project management) — In project management, the scope of a project is the sum total of all of its products and their requirements or features.Fact|date=March 2008Sometimes the term scope is used to mean the totality of work needed to complete a project. In… …   Wikipedia

  • Change order — In project management, a change order is a component of the change management process whereby changes in the Scope of Work agreed to by the Owner, Contractor and Architect are implemented. A change order is work that is added to or deleted from… …   Wikipedia

  • Scope (charity) — Spastics Society redirects here. For Spastics Society of India, see The Spastics Society of India. Disability …   Wikipedia

  • Change management (ITSM) — This article is about change management in IT service management. For other uses, see Change management. Contents 1 ITIL 2 Change management in development projects …   Wikipedia

  • scope — noun 1) the scope of the investigation Syn: extent, range, breadth, width, reach, sweep, purview, span, horizon; area, sphere, field, realm, compass, orbit, ambit, terms/field of reference, j …   Thesaurus of popular words

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