Смотреть что такое "sclereid" в других словарях:
sclereid — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary, irregular from Greek sklēros Date: 1896 a variably shaped sclerenchymatous cell of a higher plant … New Collegiate Dictionary
sclereid — Type of sclerenchyma cell that differs from the fibre cell by not being greatly elongated. Often occurs singly (an idioblast) or in small groups, giving rise to a gritty texture in, for instance, the pear fruit, where it is known as a stone cell … Dictionary of molecular biology
sclereid — scler·e·id (sklĕrʹē ĭd) n. A thick walled lignified plant cell that is often branched. [sclerenchyma + id.] * * * … Universalium
sclereid — scle·re·id … English syllables
sclereid — ˈsklirēə̇d noun ( s) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary sclere (as in sclerenchyma) + id : a sclerenchymatous cell of a higher plant distinguished chiefly by having its diameters essentially alike compare fiber, stereid … Useful english dictionary
terminal sclereid — noun : any of various diversely branched or lobed sclereids found singly or in groups especially at the ends of veinlets in leaves … Useful english dictionary
sclereide — sclereid or sclereide /sklērˈi id/ noun (botany) A thick walled cell • • • Main Entry: ↑sclero … Useful english dictionary
Plant cell — Plant cells are eukaryotic cells that differ in several key respects from the cells of other eukaryotic organisms. Their distinctive features include: * A large central vacuole, a sap filled volume enclosed by a membrane known as the tonoplast JA … Wikipedia
astrosclereid — ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ at astro + noun ( s) Etymology: astr + sclereid : a sclereid having its cell wall drawn out into lobes or arms to form a more or less stellate body (as those in the leaves and stems of certain xerophytes) … Useful english dictionary
brachysclereid — |brakē+ noun ( s) Etymology: brachy + sclereid : a more or less isodiametric sclereid typically occurring in pith, cortex, and bark of many stems and in certain fruits (as pear and quince) called also stone cell … Useful english dictionary
trichosclereid — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷+ noun Etymology: trich + sclereid : a long slender hairlike sclereid compare brachysclereid … Useful english dictionary