scissors and paste
Смотреть что такое "scissors and paste" в других словарях:
scissors-and-paste — [siz′ərz and pāst′] adj. Informal designating or of a piece of writing that has been assembled from a variety of sources rather than by original research, often in a hasty or uninspired way * * * … Universalium
scissors-and-paste — [siz′ərz and pāst′] adj. Informal designating or of a piece of writing that has been assembled from a variety of sources rather than by original research, often in a hasty or uninspired way … English World dictionary
scissors-and-paste — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective : based on or prepared by compilation : lacking in originality or independent thought and investigation scissors and paste studies a scissors and paste method * * * scissors and pasteˈ noun Literary or journalistic… … Useful english dictionary
scissors-and-paste — adjective Date: 1902 being a compilation rather than an effort of original and independent investigation … New Collegiate Dictionary
scissors and paste — cutting tool and glue … English contemporary dictionary
scissors and paste — … Useful english dictionary
scis|sors-and-paste — «SIHZ uhrz uhn PAYST», adjective. put together like a scrapbook; derivative; superficial: »His latest book is a scissors and paste affair, consisting mostly of anecdotes (New Yorker) … Useful english dictionary
cut and paste — n. (Computers) functions which allow a person to remove something (text, pictures, etc.) from one place and deposit it in another v. cut out (with scissors) and stick on using glue; (Computers) cut something (text, pictures, etc.) from one place… … English contemporary dictionary
Cut, copy, and paste — Cut and paste redirects here. For the hack writing strategy, see Cut and paste job. Copy Paste redirects here. For the album by BoA, see Hurricane Venus. In human computer interaction, cut and paste and copy and paste offer user interface… … Wikipedia
Cut and paste job — Cut and paste approach redirects here. For a method in algebraic geometry, see patchworking. A cut and paste job or cut and paste approach is a pejorative reference to various kinds of work produced by cut and paste , i.e., a quick combination of … Wikipedia
scissors — 1 (also pair of scissors sing.) an instrument for cutting fabric, paper, hair, etc., having two pivoted blades with finger and thumb holes in the handles, operating by closing on the material to be cut. 2 (treated as sing.) a a method of… … Useful english dictionary