Смотреть что такое "scirrhous" в других словарях:
Scirrhous — Scir rhous (sk[i^]r r[u^]s), a. [NL. scirrhosus.] (Med.) Proceeding from scirrhus; of the nature of scirrhus; indurated; knotty; as, scirrhous affections; scirrhous disease. [Written also {skirrhous}.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
scirrhous — 1560s, from Fr. scirrheux (16c., Mod.Fr. squirreux), from Mod.L. scirrhosus, from L. scirros a hard swelling, tumor, from Gk. skirrhos hard tumor, from skiros (adj.) hard, of unknown origin … Etymology dictionary
scirrhous — [skir′əs, sir′əs] adj. [ModL scirrhosus < SCIRRHUS] of, or having the nature of, a scirrhus; hard and fibrous … English World dictionary
scirrhous — Hard; relating to a scirrhus. * * * scir·rhous s(k)ir əs adj of, relating to, or being a scirrhous carcinoma <scirrhous infiltration> * * * adj. describing carcinomas that are stony hard to the touch. Such a carcinoma (for example of the… … Medical dictionary
scirrhous — irəs adjective Etymology: New Latin scirrhosus, from scirrhus + Latin osus ose 1. : of, relating to, or constituting a scirrhus scirrhous infiltration 2. : resembling a scirrhus especially in being hard or indurated with or as if with fibrous… … Useful english dictionary
scirrhous — adjective Etymology: New Latin scirrhosus, from scirrhus scirrhous tumor, from Greek skiros, skirrhos overgrown land, hardened tumor Date: 1563 of, relating to, or being a hard slow growing malignant tumor having a preponderance of fibrous tissue … New Collegiate Dictionary
scirrhous carcinoma — n a hard slow growing malignant tumor having a preponderance of fibrous tissue * * * carcinoma with a hard structure owing to the formation of dense connective tissue in the stroma. Called also fibrocarcinoma … Medical dictionary
Scirrhous cancer or Hard cancer — Cancer Can cer, n. [L. cancer, cancri, crab, ulcer, a sign of the zodiac; akin to Gr. karki nos, Skr. karka[.t]a crab, and prob. Skr. karkara hard, the crab being named from its hard shell. Cf. {Canner}, {Chancre}.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) A genus of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
scirrhous — scirrhosity /ski ros i tee/, n. /skir euhs, sir /, adj. Pathol. 1. of a hard, fibrous consistency. 2. of, relating to, or constituting a scirrhus. [1555 65; SCIRRH(US) + OUS] * * * … Universalium
scirrhous — scir·rhous || sɪrÉ™s adj. hard and fibrous; pertaining to a scirrhus, pertaining to a hard cancerous growth (Medicine) … English contemporary dictionary
scirrhous — scir·rhous … English syllables